Alina Lis on VKontakte from the city of Ryazan, a list of Alina's friends and followers, public photos of the user
Alina Lis

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And sometimes my father told me
what he sees about duck hunting
dreams with continuation: a boat and a double-barreled shotgun.
And the lake where every island
is familiar to him. He said he didn't see
I am such a lake in reality
transparent, what a hunt! –
imagine this. But what do you know
about our hunting business!
Bored, I got up from the table
and went to read some Kafka,
feel sorry for yourself and write poetry
under Brodsky, that a person,
of course, loneliness squared,
no, in a cube. Or reluctantly called
a married fool who loves poetry
under Brodsky, and at the same time me –
some exotic love.
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Posts by Alina Lis VKontakte

The Ryazan family has been preparing for the birth of a child for more than 10 years. A woman managed to get pregnant thanks to the IVF method.Mom said that her pregnancy was easy. The child was healthy and large – weighed more than 4 kg. After consulting with specialists, it was decided to make a cesarean section.
At the end of November, mother went to the Ryazan Perinatal Center. When examined by a doctor, a woman agreed to Caesarean, since the fetus was large. The doctor invited the head, and she also confirmed the appointment, noting that the Ryazan herself could not give birth.
The expectant mother also noted that the head was supposed to operate on December 2. On December 1, an anesthesiologist came to the woman, looked at all the documents, and my mother signed all the necessary documents. On the night of 2, the woman in childbirth departed water.
The manager came. Ryazanka told her that she was preparing for the operation – she didn’t eat anything – so you can start. The behavior of the head changed dramatically and she began to roughly inspect the woman and said that there would be no operation. You will give birth yourself! she said to her mother. Further events developed in complete contradiction with the preliminary training and medical indications of the Ryazan. Despite all the arguments, arguments and links to ultrasound – she was sent to the genitive hall. Even there, she tried to explain that she was prescribed a cesarean and she could not give birth naturally as a doctor’s prescription.
“I began to cry and ask me to make a cesarean. I say, at least for a fee, let's under a contract, but the manager answered with a laugh that everything was fine with me. You will give birth yourself! – says Ryazanka.
During childbirth, everything went wrong. At some point, when monitoring the condition of the fetus, the doctors were worried – the heart rate fell. Then the heart stopped completely.
“I shout to them, I said, said! Everything is in shock, the doctor freaks out, the midwife cries. And no one explains anything, ”said the woman in labor.
She also noted that she was introduced twice oxytocin, stimulating labor, but as it turned out, this drug cannot be administered with the risk of fetal hypoxia. Then they started emergency birth, made an episitomy and began to get a child with a vacuum, pressing a woman on her stomach. After giving birth, the mother put the child on the chest, and the baby did not breathe.
“I shout to them, he does not breathe! Soon the child was carried away, and they gave me anesthesia to complete the operation, ”Ryazanka added.
When a woman came to, there was a midwife nearby, who cried. Mom called her husband and said that the child was not breathing and he was taken to intensive care.
“Mark was born with 1 point on the Apgar scale. He was reanimated for more than 10 minutes, and we want to say many thanks to the head of the resuscitation of Novikov Alexei Viktorovich and his entire team (doctors and nurses) for resurrected our boy and gave the opportunity to be with him (even if the end is ultimately sad, but all It is worth it expensive), very good people and wonderful specialists work there, for the life of the little ones they fight to the last! ” – The woman wrote on her page in social networks.
According to her, the child had a heart with the help of adrenaline and connected to the Ivl.He immediately fell into a coma, since there were no reactions.
“Then it was introduced into the therapeutic hypothermia (cooling up to 32 degrees in order to inhibit the dying of brain cells caused by hypoxia). So he was supposed to lie for three days, and when warming the hope was that he would wake up, but this did not happen, there was too much damage to the brain, we already understood this, and the resuscitation doctors said everything as it is and did not hide. Thanks to them for this too, ”said Veronica.
January 22, the baby died. A criminal case has been instituted on the fact of the death of the baby.