Alexander Denisov on the return of Football Weekend: Never say never – Media Detector.
Director of the Football and Football+ channels on the departure of Viktor Vacko, the problem of commentators and the Champions League and Europa League matches that his channels will show

Alexander Denisov on the return of Football Weekend: Never say never

What did Alexander Denisov do in the USA? Is it possible to resume the Football Weekend program? Does Media Group Ukraine plan to launch a third football channel? Will Ukrainian Premier League matches be released in HD quality? Who will raise the level of our commentators? Oleksandr Denisov, the director of the Futbol and Futbol+ TV channels and the host of the Great Football project on the Ukraine channel, spoke about all this in the Detector Media chat.
– Good afternoon! I'm already in the Detector Media office! Let's talk about TV, football and football on TV 🙂 – 1. New in the new season
Great football Irish Blokhin? What is your role in the transfer? 2. Why is Gaspadin Denisov going to open Ukrainian? Adzhe vin hosted a broadcast on a foreign Ukrainian TV channel, which is called Ukraine, not Russia. The Ukrainians live near the country. Why wouldn't it be logical to run the Ukrainian program? Bachiv Denisova in social advertising of TV tuners, as recorded in Ukrainian. Chi is not a moment for Denisov to say a dekilka of the Ukrainian day of the live broadcast? I would like to feel like a new one comes up with a Ukrainian phrase on a football theme, for example, as we sound in yoga vikonnі pose of a thunder, attacker, zahisnik, coach, gravets thinly. In order to turn the language and read the vocabulary of a sports TV journalist.
– Comrade Mazur! Directly I answer – you do not care! To assert oneself on forums and chats on the Internet, at the expense of others, is a bad form.
– Shanovny Mrs. Oleksandre, dear Skoda, who left the channel Viktor Vatsko, without any commentary fell and the matches of the Bundesliga were played.Zrozumilo, Scho of the Yaki Kontakotor in Ukrainian one or two, Yaki is not a bay. The shock is not unable to? Return Khcha B Tingauva, Yakshcho Tszhno, to quot the match LIGI of the Champion -LIGI Yuriy Albertovich. Negative tendencies – those who are not a Zservzhezhee in one champion, and the supply of that is the supply of іnformasi і yakosty commando. I Shine, there is only Pannya: yak share of signs єvrovіkend. Chi won in Efiri? Uncle.
– Dear Mikola! I am very sorry that Viktor Vatsko decided to leave the TV. Of course, this is a loss for us and for viewers. But this is the choice of Victor, he wants to try himself in club work. We wish him success.
– Hello, Alexander! 1. “Football+HD”, the new channel design is all good and wonderful, thanks for the comfort. But when you sit down to watch football on the big screen in the HD quality, and the match begins to comment on the lamps, the magnificent mood immediately disappears, the person with his low -quality commentary spoils the viewing of the match even with the most attractive sign and with the best quality of the picture. For 3 years, he has no progress and his further stay on your channels as a commentator – I (and I am far from one, since I communicate with many football lovers) I consider it a real mockery of us. 2. Is it planned to continue to cooperate with Andrei Shakhov, while maintaining the Eurowycent program – who will be the leading? 3. The request to attract more often to work on the channel, including And to the matches of the UPL, Arthur Valerko. It would be nice to return to the channel as an expert of Yevtushenko, you can also attract Kovalts, in general, “fresh blood” would not prevent here. 4. Is it already known which commands will “news” of Moscow State University in the Champions League and Le? There are rumors that it will be Shakhtar and Metalist, respectively. 5. At the end of this season, the Football channel ends your contract with UPL, do you plan to fight for the entire pool of the UPL, and do you know the position of the new head of the FFU to all this split of the pool? Personally, I consider this situation abnormal, and the position of some clubs is destructive. 6.Is the feedback with its spectators on the official website of the channel planned – your conference and channel commentators, forum? 7. With such rich and remarkable content that there are on your channels, it is vital to launch another football or sports channel, is it planned in the future? 8. The departure of the HMS from the post of President of the FFU and the departure of the non -existence of the Football Wycent program is just a coincidence or. :)? 9. Are you satisfied with the cooperation with Viasat Ukraine and is it planned to continue your relationship after 2015?

– Let's go about everything in order. Yuri Rozanov was invited to the television channels “Football” and “Football+”, whose duties will include the advanced training level of commentators of the TV channel and the search for new names for the commentary workshop. I am sure that with Yuri Albertovich we will take a qualitative step forward in this direction. With regard to further cooperation with Andrei Shakhov – with the departure of Viktor Vatsko, the Eurowycand project was suspended. With regard to the further commenting of matches Shakhov: I do not exclude this opportunity. Regarding the Champions League and Le this season, the channels of the Media Group Ukraine will broadcast matches of Shakhtar in the Champions League and Metalist in Le. Accordingly, Dynamo and Dnipro will be on the “pluses”. Regarding “fresh blood” – on the channels “Football” and “Football+” this is a constant process. This season, Salenko, Sopko, Grachev and Rozanov actually joined us. I am unknown to the position of the new head of the FFU regarding the pool, I only know that the unification of all clubs will primarily allow clubs themselves to get maximum profit from the sale of television rights. On the new official website of the Football channel, which will be launched on September 8, feedback is supposed. We do not plan to run another sports channel in the near future. The departure of the HMS and the transformation of Fu into the Great Football are not interconnected events, although I heard about such fantasies of some.
– Hello, Alexander.I have two questions for you. 1. Where did Viktor Vatsko go, has he not been seen on Football lately? 2. Will Yuriy Rozanov commentate on the matches between Shakhtar and Dynamo in the Champions League? Or which league will comment?
– I commented on the question of Vacko above, regarding Rozanov: from foreign championships, he will accurately comment on the English Premier League, and over time he will start working at UPL matches.
– Oleksandr, if you fired Vacko, then you made a big mistake, because at the moment he is the best commentator in Ukraine!

Nobody fired Victor. He made the decision to end TV on his own, and I know that this decision was very difficult for him. – Pane Oleksandr, I have food in me. Is it possible for the channels to appearFootball taFootball+ for a paid package of digital terrestrial television T2Zeonbud
? It's no secret that tests have already been carried out, like National Geographic, NatGeo Wild, etc., on the air. 2. Be kind to the new season so that the premiere shows of the matches of the Latin American championships were held not at night of a working day, but at a greater hour. Bo vltka was put on garniy football, the arc of battles, the foundation of the Brazilian championship, and now through the European championships – straight airs fall.
– We are closely following the development of T2, as soon as they are ready to offer their subscribers a paid package, we will consider the possibility of providing our TV channels in a paid package. As for Latin American football, I'm glad that you liked it, we will take into account your wishes.
– Good afternoon, Alexandre! 1. Good, sho Rozanov, krim kommentuvannya matches, you will also raise the riven of our commentators, if you want Krutorogov and Gavrilenka, it’s definitely not helping – I especially mimic the sound, if you stink commenting. At zv'azku z tsim (like stink and far away to comment on matches) food-prohannya: what is it possible to add on your channels a supplementary soundtrack – de b buv present intershum zі stadium, ale there would be a bit of a commentator? How can it be possible – to build it, be kind! 2.Will you repeat the program Great Football on the channel Football, but in the week in the live mode it will be superimposed on the central matches of the championships of Spain, Italy, France? 3) Are you planning to move the Football channel to HD-quality? 4. I wish you could get the rights to show matches of the Copa Libertadores for the 1st season, how can that be? Dyakuyu!
– We do not plan to add an additional audio track. “Great Football” will only be on the channel “Ukraine” for now. Regarding the second HD channel, I can say that today both we and the operators are closely monitoring how much HD content is in demand for our market and what is the growth dynamics of the audience with HD TVs. There is reason to believe that we will relaunch the Football channel in HD in the near future. There is simply no space for the Libertadores Cup. Although the tournament is worthy.
– Tell us about the young faces of the news – Bubliy, Grinchuk, Pletsan. Do you plan to use them in other projects?
– These are really young and pretty faces that grow before your eyes. The guys are very promising, I would like them to realize themselves in their own projects on the Football and Football+ channels in the future.
– Hello, Alexander. I want to thank you for inviting Yuri Albertovich. I would like to know where Viktor Vatsko disappeared and whether Yury Albertovich will comment on the English Premier League, and I would also like commentators to attend the Champions League Night project, as I want more analytics. And will the project be linked to the Europa League?
– – Regarding Vatsko and Rozanov, the answers are higher, and regarding such projects as the Champions League Night – they have always been exclusively analytical.Inter also launching a studio project similar to the formatGreat football , in? Yakumu before the match to discuss experts
Chi do not vvazhєte tsyu program your competitor?
– All I know so far is that they are planning to launch preview studios for national team matches. This can hardly look like some kind of competition for our football channels.
– Does Moscow State University plan to launch a new football/sports channel? After all, 8 championships and European cups cannot be placed on two channels. It is no longer always possible to watch live broadcasts of interesting matches between Italy and Spain with the participation of the leaders.
– We do not plan to launch a third sports channel. As soon as we decide, I will immediately start hinting at this event in the media 🙂 And the top matches of Italy and Spain are always our priority in the evening prime.
– And one more question: will the Bundesliga be broadcast on your channels this season? Or will it disappear from your channels after the launch of Eurosport-2 with the Bundesliga?
– The Bundesliga is with us, we continue our long-term cooperation with German football.
– Mrs. Oleksandr, why is there no option from the rotation of the Football Weekend? Chi tse already residual completions of the project?
– FU is not closed, it has been transformed into Great Football.
– Is there a possibility of a return of the FU program?
– Never say never 🙂
– The football program for 2+2 and your project Football Weekend were not objective. On the Pluses the program is pro-dynamivska, you have pro-Shakhtar, either criticism is always bula, then only one side. Tell me, is it possible to have an objective program about domestic football on the Futbol channels? Іz requests from guests with different points of dawn?
– I have a principle not to give a public assessment of my colleagues, I never comment on their actions. As for which program is pro-miner or pro-Dinamo, such opinions are based primarily on the club's predilections of the viewer himself.
– I wanted to speak about Oleksandr Mykhailyuk, he has been making a lot of mistakes lately when commenting on the matches of the English Premier League, and this is very striking. I would very much like Yuriy Albertovich to take on this championship, and especially on the Futbol TV channel, and not just on Futbol+.On the project The Night of the Champions League I would like more the opinion of the commentators of matches.
– Yuri Albertovich will take, be sure! 🙂
– Oleksandra, by Jesus Vi said, Pivtor Rocky Pivali were praised by the states. Yakshcho is not a secret, Chim Vi got there, I yaki sickly dosvid?
– I really worked in total for a year and a half in the States. It was a student program. Training and working with American children in summer camps. It was an invaluable experience. America taught me the attitude to work with the most dedication and faith in its own strength.
– Alexander, are you satisfied with your brainchild and criticism about him?

– To start something new is always difficult, much easier to change nothing. But we decided to take a chance! And what will be easy, no one was waiting for this. Fu was also not immediately built.
– Will there be a competition of commentators on the Football channel?
– The decision whether to conduct a competition of commentators, we will take later. And we will definitely announce this.
– Will there be a Simulcast (roll call), which was in the playoffs of the Champions League, to be used by the Football channel in the future?
– We were satisfied with the experience of simultaneously broadcasting several matches at once. During the Champions League, we plan a roll call on one of our football channels.
– How often will the FFU leaders visit your program? Do you think the leadership of the house of football should visit other football programs?
– A visit to football programs by the FFU management should become the same ordinary practice as the sunrise. A public organization should report to society, I often talked about this in Fu.
– Tell me, when can we see the UPL in the HD quality? At least central matches?

– We are working on this now, I do not exclude that the closest cup match “Shakhtar” – “Dynamo” we will show in the HD -quality on “Football+”.
– Is it true that Max Nelipa stopped acting in the VF program?
– Yes, however, even the “MedIA detector” wrote about this, as well as my position on this subject. Look in the news feed.
– How to become a commentator on the Football channel?
– Send the resume and materials to the Football channel.
– Dear friends! Thanks for the interesting questions! See you. On football! 🙂
Photo by Pavel Dovgan