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The official website of the Astrakhanochka Group of Companies – Emilia Turey – Sports Director of Astrakhanchka

Today, in the small hall of the administration of the governor of the Astrakhan region, Igor Babushkin’s working meeting with the Gandbox team Astrakhanochka was held ….

Without Kevordo

Emilia Turey - Sports Director of Astrakhanchki

Today, in the small hall of the administration of the Governor of the Astrakhan region, Igor Babushkin’s working meeting with the Gandbox team “Astrakhanochka” took place.

During the event, the head of the region introduced the new deputy director of the GAU JSC RCSP Zvezdny for sports training. They were a three-time world champion, the silver medalist of the Olympic Games 2008 Emilia Turey.

It was my decision. Emilia Turey is a sign of the world of handball. I am sure that her work will bring an additional impulse to the team and will allow high results. The whole Astrakhan region monitors the performances of Astrakhanchka !

In the response, Emilia Turey thanked the region’s leadership for the confidence rendered: “For me, returning to Astrakhanchka is a return home. I will try to do everything to develop effectively. I am sure that we will succeed in success!”

We wish Emilia Halsburyevna and Astrakhanochka good luck in achieving the goals!

Information sheet

Emilia Khalsburyevna Turey

Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation

The pupil of the Astrakhan school of the handball (the first coach is Galina Viktorovna Sadovnikova).

She began her career in Astrakhanochka and in total performed as part of the team for seven seasons (1999-2005, 2012–2013). She also played in Denmark, Spain and Romania.

Three -time world champion
Silver medalist of the Olympic Games-2008
Silver and bronze medalist of the European Championship
The winner of the Champions League and the Cup Cup.

She became the first Astrakhan handball player to win the medal of the Olympic Games.

Sports Betting California

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

EVALUATION MATERIALS FOR CURRENT CONTROL OF GRADE 10 IN ENGLISH FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR | English language test (Grade 10): | Educational social network



English language test (Grade 10)

1. When all her other ​friends ​deserted her, Steve ​remained………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother's good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

7. She's a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

9. Be …………., your time will come.

10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you're extremely …………..

II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I'am sorry that I haven't written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. (arrive) early in the morning.

III. Fill in: out for , down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look…………… us because we're homeless,” she says.

IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen…..rock climbing and paragliding.

  1. 4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)
  2. 5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.
  3. V. Translate into English:
  4. Go to a movie, follow fashion, give a cold shoulder, give up, be cut, make fun of, get along with someone, get on someone's nerves, waste of time, can't stand it, window shopping, hang out, see eye to eye, write a line , laugh at, mock, highly skilled, sense of humor, helpline, tease.
  5. Loyal
  6. Jealous
  7. mean
  8. Dedicated
  9. supportive
  10. respected
  1. Moody
  2. Trusting
  3. Patient
  4. selfish
  5. Help

Are thinking

have known

have been studying


catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one's nerves, waste of time, can't stand, go window shopping, hang out , see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.

Control work on module 2

  1. 1. Make phrases with the words
  2. d) Funny stories
  3. j) On expensive things
  4. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):
  5. She apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.
  6. She is looking forward to. (get) a new mobile phone.
  7. John is afraid of __________(fly).
  8. I don't mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it to me next week.
  9. It's cold outside. You'd better __________ (take) your coat.
  10. We saw them __________ (do) all the damage.
  11. She enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.

I would like __________ (meet) that writer.

  1. I stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.

They couldn't __________ (find) the way easily.

  1. The English teacher doesn't let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.

3. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st :

  1. I don't really love going to basketball matches.

keen I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

  1. French painting is up to her liking.

fond of She ………………………. french painting.

  1. My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

10. I’m Afraid You Can’s.

Lucy is pleased with her son's achievements.

proud Lucy's ………………………. achievements.

In fact, I can't cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible I am really …………………….

4. Fill in the correct pre

1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends


EVALUATION MATERIALS FOR CURRENT CONTROL OF GRADE 10 IN ENGLISH FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR | English language test (Grade 10): | Educational social network



English language test (Grade 10)

1. When all her other ​friends ​deserted her, Steve ​remained………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother's good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

  1. 7. She's a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.
  2. 8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.
  3. 9. Be …………., your time will come.
  4. 10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you're extremely …………..
  5. II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I'am sorry that I haven't written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. (arrive) early in the morning.

III. Fill in: out for , down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look…………… us because we're homeless,” she says.

IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen…..rock climbing and paragliding.

4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)

5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.

V. Translate into English:

Go to a movie, follow fashion, give a cold shoulder, give up, be cut, make fun of, get along with someone, get on someone's nerves, waste of time, can't stand it, window shopping, hang out, see eye to eye, write a line , laugh at, mock, highly skilled, sense of humor, helpline, tease.












Are thinking

have known

have been studying


catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one's nerves, waste of time, can't stand, go window shopping, hang out , see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.

Control work on module 2

1. Make phrases with the words

d) Funny stories

j) On expensive things

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):

She apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.

She is looking forward to. (get) a new mobile phone.

John is afraid of __________(fly).

I don't mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it to me next week.

It's cold outside. You'd better __________ (take) your coat.

We saw them __________ (do) all the damage.

She enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.

I would like __________ (meet) that writer.

I stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.

They couldn't __________ (find) the way easily.

The English teacher doesn't let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.

3. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st :

I don't really love going to basketball matches.

keen I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

French painting is up to her liking.

fond of She ………………………. french painting.

1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

Ian has taken in/up tennis.

Why don't you take off/out tour coat?

On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.

I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy… photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Control work on module 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

3. extra curricular

6. highly qualified

II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.

experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .

2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.

4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.

6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.

a) come b) visit c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a) ready 2) free c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise b) rise c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate b) finish c) leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)

2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.

2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.

  1. 4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.

6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.

8. They (to finish) their project by June.

9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They'll move house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.

eleven. lang=en style=height: 28px;My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

Lucy is pleased with her son's achievements.

proud Lucy's ………………………. achievements.

In fact, I can't cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible I am really …………………….

4. Fill in the correct pre

1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

Ian has taken in/up tennis.

Why don't you take off/out tour coat?

On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.

I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy… photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Control work on module 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

3. extra curricular

6. highly qualified

II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.

experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .

  1. 2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.

  1. 4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.
  1. 5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.

6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.

  1. III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.

  1. a) come b) visit c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a) ready 2) free c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise b) rise c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate b) finish c) leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)

  1. 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.

2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

  1. 3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.

6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.

8. They (to finish) their project by June.

  1. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They'll move house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.

eleven.1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

  1. 3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

Ian has taken in/up tennis.

Why don't you take off/out tour coat?

On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.

I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy… photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Control work on module 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

3. extra curricular

6. highly qualified

II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.

experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .

2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.

4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.

6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.

a) come b) visit c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a) ready 2) free c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise b) rise c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate b) finish c) leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

  1. for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.

  1. 6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)

2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)

  1. 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.

2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.

6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

  1. 7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.
  1. 8. They (to finish) their project by June.
  2. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.
  3. ten. lang=en style=height: 28px;My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!
  4. crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!
  5. Lucy is pleased with her son's achievements.

proud Lucy's ………………………. achievements.

  1. In fact, I can't cook at all. I burn everything.
  1. terrible I am really …………………….
  2. 4. Fill in the correct pre
  3. 1. Make phrases with the words
  4. c) for a new mobile phone
  5. d) into the pockets
  6. g) money to your friends
  7. j) money from your friends
  8. k) to splash out
  1. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to
  2. 1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.
  3. 2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.
  4. 3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?
  5. 4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.
  6. 5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.
  7. 6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.
  8. 7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.
  1. 8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.
  2. 9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.
  3. 10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.
  4. 11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)
  5. 3. Circle the correct preposition.
  6. Ian has taken in/up tennis.
  7. Why don't you take off/out tour coat?
  1. On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.
  2. Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.
  3. I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.
  4. 4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.
  5. 1) My mother is crazy… photography.
  6. 2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.
  7. 3) Jack is brilliant … football.
  8. 4) My parents are proud … me.
  1. 5) I am really interested … English.
  1. Control work on module 3
  2. Test on Module 3.
  3. I. Match the words in two columns.
  4. 3. extra curricular
  5. 6. highly qualified
  1. II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.
  1. experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces
  2. 1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .
  3. 2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.
  4. 3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.
  5. 4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.
  1. 5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.
  2. 1.
  3. 6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.
  4. III. Choose the correct answer.
  5. 1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.
  6. a) come b) visit c) attend
  7. 2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.
  8. a) ready 2) free c) available
  9. 3. The workers demanded a pay….. .
  10. a) raise b) rise c) increase
  11. 4. He’ll …… from the university next year.
  12. a) graduate b) finish c) leave
  13. IV. Use the correct preposition.
  1. for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;
  1. 1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.
  2. 2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.
  3. 3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.
  4. 4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.
  5. 5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.
  6. 6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?
  7. 7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.
  8. 8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.
  9. V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
  10. 1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)
  1. 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)
  1. 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )
  2. 4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)
  3. VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.
  4. 1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.
  5. 2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!
  6. 3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.
  7. 4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.
  8. 5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.
  1. 6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.
  1. 7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.
  2. 8. They (to finish) their project by June.
  3. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.
  4. ten.My Younger Brother Can Play Dots for Long Hours!
  5. Crazy My Younger Brother ……………………. Dots!
  1. Lucy is pleated with her Son’s Achievements.
  1. Proud Lucy’s ……………………………. Achievements.
  2. In Fact, I Can’T Cook at All. I Burn EVERYTHING.
  3. TERRIBLE I am REALLY …………………….
  4. 4. Fill in the Correct Pre
  5. 1. Make Phrases with the Words
  1. c) for a new mobile Phone
  1. D) Into the Pockets
  2. g) money to your friends
  3. j) money from your friends
  4. k) to splash out
  5. 2. Put The Verbs in Brackets Into The Correct Form: -ing Form, To -Infinitive Or Infinitive Without to

1) please, remind me _____________ (Return) The DVD to the Video Club.

2) My Mother Made ME _______________ (Clean) My Room Today.

  1. 3) Woup You Like ________________ (Go) Shopping Tomorrow?
  2. 4) I Don’t Mind ______________ (Watch) this Film Again.
  3. 5) Let me __________________ (Help) You with these Bags.
  4. 6) Jane Hates _________________ (Take) The Car to the Garage.
  5. 7) I can wait _________________ (Hear) Your News.
  6. 8) Kate Must ____________________ (See) A Doctor as Soon as Possible.

9) Rick and Diane Enjoy ______________ (Do) Extreme Sports.

10) I’m looking forward to _______________ (Travel) to South America Next Week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (Cycle)

3. Circle the Correct Preposition.

Ian Has Taken in/Up Tennis.

Why Don’t You Take Off/Out Tour Coat?

On her Birthday I took My Sister Over/Out to An Expensive Restaurant.


I Think You Need to Take Thrusers in/out; They’re Very Loose on You.

4. Fill in with apprapriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My Mother Is Crazy … PhotoGraphy.

2) Mu Teacher Is Fond … Painting.

  1. 3) Jack is brilliant … Football.
  2. 4) My Parents Are Proud … me.
  3. 5) I am Really Interested … English.
  4. Control work on module 3
  5. Test on Module 3.
  6. I. Match The Words in Two Columns.

3. Extra- Curricular

6. Highly- Qualified

II. Fill in the Correct Words/ Phrases.

Experience; Private; to participate; to pursue; Night shifts; Armed Forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the … .. ..

2. The Professor Required from HIS Students … .. in all His Seminars.

3. She disjoose … .. BecAuse She Got More Money for Them.

4. TOM COULDNYT AFFORD to Study At … .. School.

5. Though she do -’… .. as a teacher, children lined her very much.

6. She hopes … .. A Career in Marketing.

III. Choose The Correct Answer.

1. Teachers Encourage Students to … .. classes.

a) COME B) VISIT C) Attend

2. I WOULD BE … .. for the interview at AT AT ANY TIME.

a) Ready 2) free c) avalable

  1. 3. The Workers Demanded a Pay … ..
  1. a) raise b) rise c) increase
  2. 4. He’ll …… from the University Next year.
  3. a) graduate b) finish c) leave
  4. IV. Use The Correct Preposition.
  5. for (2); at; in; on; with; out; Up;
  6. 1. The Boy Picked SorrrowFully … .. HIS Porridge.
  • 2. He soresn’t like his classmates Becays the Always Pick … .. Him.
  • 3. Read the Poem and Pick …… All the Adjectives.
  • 4. Mother Picks Her Child ……. Whener He Cries.
  • 5. He used to work … .. Smith Co in his youth.
  • 6. Who is … .. Charge of the Investigation?
  • 7. Don’t Worry! We’ll Deal …… THE PROBLEM Properly.
  • 8. EVERYONE SHOULD Be Responsight … .. .. Their decisions.
  • V.Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
  • 1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)
  • 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)
  • 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )
  • 4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)
  • VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.
  1. 1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.
  2. 2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!
  3. 3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.
  4. 4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.
  5. 5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.
  6. 6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.
  7. 7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.
  8. 8. They (to finish) their project by June.
  9. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.
  10. 10. They'll move house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.
  11. 11. What did you (to do) at the weekend?
  12. 12. By the time you get back she (to get married).
  13. VII. Put the adjectives into the correct form.
  14. 1. Things are as (bad) as they can be.
  15. 2. Children these days seem to become (rude) and (rude).
  16. 3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?
  17. 4. He had to admit that Mary was much (slim) than his wife.
  18. 5. To get promotion you must work (hard) and be (responsible).
  19. 6. He lives a bit (far) than his parents.
  20. 7. It's ( interesting ) film I've ever seen. I didn't like it at all.
  21. 8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.
  22. 9. (Much) you stay at home, (bad) you ‘ll feel in the street.
  23. 10. He is twice as (clever) as his (old) brother.
  24. Key to the test on Module 3.
  25. I. Match the words in two columns.
  26. 1.managing c. director
  27. 2. run e. business
  28. 3. extracurricular f. activities
  29. 4.skilled b. job
  1. 5. maternal d. instincts
  2. 6. highly qualified a. staff
  3. II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.
  4. 1. He has always dreamed of being in the armed forces.
  5. 2. The professor required from his students to participate in all his seminars.
  1. 3. She didn't mind working night shifts because she got more money for them.
  2. 4. Tom couldn't afford to study at private school.
  3. 5. Though she didn't have any experience as a teacher, children loved her very much.
  4. 6. She hopes to pursue a career in Marketing.
  5. III. Choose the correct answer.
  6. 1. Teachers encourage students to attend classes.
  7. 2. I would be available for the interview at any time.
  8. 3. The workers demanded a pay rise.
  9. 4. He'll graduate from the university next year.
  10. IV. Use the correct preposition.
  11. for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;
  12. 1. The boy picked sorrowfully at his porridge.
  13. 2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick on him.
  14. 3. Read the poem and pick out all the adjectives
  15. 4. Mother picks her child up whenever he cries.
  16. 5. He used to work for Smith Co in his youth.
  17. 6. Who is in charge of the investigation?
  18. 7. Don't worry! We'll deal with the problem properly.
  19. 8. Everyone should be responsible for their decisions.
  20. V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
  1. 1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ARTIST)
  2. 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSICIANS)
  3. 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. (LIBRARIAN)
  4. 4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (INDEPENDENTLY)
  5. VI.Put The Verbs Into the Correct Future Form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continous, Future Perfect Continous, Present Simple, Present Continous, To BE Going TO.
  6. 1. I am Going to /Will Wait Here Until Jane Comes.
  1. 2. I am Going to Miss The Flight BecAuse of this Terrible Traffic Jam!
  2. 3. By the end of the Month, He Will Have Been Working for the Company for Ten Years.
  3. 4. In Twenty -four Hours I Will Be Relaxing on My Yacht.
  4. 5. Next Week Her Granny Will BE 90 Years Old
  5. 6. When are you Leaving for London? – Tomorrow at 10 A.M.
  6. 7. I Hope One Day I Will Return to My Native Town.
  7. 8. They Will Havy Finished their Project by June.
  8. 9. The Match Starts at 7 P.M.
  9. 10. They ‘Ll Move House as Soon as the Buy New Furniture.
  10. 11. What are you going to do at the Weekend?
  11. 12. by the time you get back she will get get marrid.
  12. VII. Put The Adjective Into The Correct Form.
  13. 1. Things are as bad as They Can be.
  14. 2. Children theres seem to Become Ruder and Ruder.
  15. 3. Which of these houses is the mother?
  16. 4. He had to admit that mary was much slimmer than his wife.
  1. 5. To get Promotion You must work harder and be more responsight.
  2. 6. He Lives A bit farther/ further than her parents.
  1. 7. It’s The Least Interesting Film I’ve Ever Seen. I DIDN’T Like it at All.
  2. 8. John is by far The Most Sociable Person in His School.
  3. 9. The more you stay at home, the Worse You ‘Ll Feel in the Street.
  4. 10. He is twice as clever as his (Old) Brother.
  5. Control work on module 4
  6. Choose The Correct Answer A, B OR C.
  1. 1. I Ran … Alex On My Way to work.
  2. A) Onto b) into c) to
  3. 2. Mark … Money to Environmental Organizations.
  4. A) Congests b) Donates c) Increases
  5. A) with b) on c) in
  6. 4. Try to Reuse Things As Much as Possible So as to … Waste.
  7. A) Save B) Eliminate C) Protect
  8. 5. Washing Machines us a large … of water
  9. A) amount b) Crop C) Emission
  10. 6. We are supporters … wwf.
  11. A) ABOUT B) at c) of
  12. 7. When you go shopping, Make Sure You … to the Shopping List
  13. A) Stay b) Save C) Keep
  14. 8. You have to cut … the amount of peper you use.
  15. A) Down on b) out on c) up to
  16. 9. Switch of the Lights to … Energy.
  17. A) Protect b) Release C) Save
  18. 10. Don’t this jar away; I can us it to … different Things.
  19. A) Protect b) Eliminate c) Store
  20. 11. Hang The Cage Higher to Protect the Canary … The Cat.
  21. A) from b) out of c) under
  22. 12. What Can i Do To … The Environment?
  23. A) Protect b) Release C) Save
  24. 13. There Ar Still Many Factories that … Toxic Gases Into the Air.
  25. A) Eliminate b) Release c) Store
  26. 14. It’s Really Easy to Make a Compost … in your Garden.
  27. A) Home b) Heap C) Hill
  28. 15. We’ve Run … Sugar.
  29. A) of b) from) out of
  30. II. Write Down The Proper Word.
  1. 1. You look Very Pale. You Shoup/Can Take Some Aspirin and Go to Bed.
  2. 2. You Don’t have to/Sholldn’T Walk The Dog AGain. John Walked Him An Hour Ago.
  3. 3. You can’t/Don’t have to enter This Room; it’s for staff only.
  4. 4. You out to/have to reuse plastic and Paper Bags; Don’T Throw Them Away.
  5. 5. This is an old-Fashioned School. All Students Can/Must Wear a Uniform.

6. I can find meet my fireds in the Evening BecAuse I have to/can do my homework.

7. You can/Shoup Take All this Waste Paper to the Recycling Bin.

8. WOULD You Like SOME DESSERT/Desert?

9. You can’t/Mustn’t BE Loud During the Lesson.

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Overview of publications for the exhibition "Transatlantic alternative" | Museum "Garage"

The Museum of Modern Art “Garage” hosts the exhibition “Transatlantic Alternative. Kinetic art and OPAR in Eastern Europe and Latin America in the 1950-1970s. ” Employees of the museum library made a review of publications on the history of kinetic art on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

Without Kevordo

The material was prepared by Ilmira Bolotyan, Maryana Karysheva, Valery Ledenyov and Maria Shmatko

The Museum of Modern Art “Garage” hosts the exhibition “Transatlantic Alternative. Kinetic art and OPAR in Eastern Europe and Latin America in the 1950-1970s. ” Employees of the museum library made a review of publications on the history of kinetic art on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

The Other Trans-Tlantic: Kinetic and Op Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America

Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2017

The publication was released by the Museum of Modern Art of Warsaw on the occasion of the exhibition Transatlantic Alternative, held in the Polish capital before coming to Moscow. This book is not a project catalog, but a collection of articles equipped with illustrations, considering the history of kinetic art and op-art on different sides of the Atlantic from the beginning of the 1940s to the first half of the 1970s.

Kinetizim and OPAR, according to the curators of the exhibition of Diter Rölstrat, Abigail grapes and Martha Dzevan, were undeservedly replaced and marginalized inside the “great” art history in favor of “high” modernism. Critics until the 1960s did not attach great importance to these areas, seeing in the works of their representatives nothing more than “crafts” (novelties), but in the famous monograph “Art since 1900. Modernism, anti -Modernism, postmodernism ”mention mainly Western European representatives of movement.

Meanwhile, they continue in the introductory article, kinetic art and OPAR became one of the few truly international movements in post-war art, uniting artists living in different countries and working in various sociocultural contexts. The authors who rethought the relationship between the work and the audience who rebelled the language of contemporary art based on the avant -garde and modern science, who tried to make this language understandable and democratic, based on the universal laws of physics, mathematics and human perception.

Separate publications included in the collection are devoted to the history of kinetism and op-art in Latin America, where Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela were the centers of kinetism, and Poland and Czechoslovakia were Eastern Europe. A separate article, written by the curator of the archive and library of the Garage Museum Sasha Obukhova, outlines the history of the Movement group and kinetic art in the USSR. Abigail grapes and Dushan bar prepared a detailed chronicle of the events of 1941-1973 related to the history of the direction.The application contains key articles and manifestos of artists and theorists of kinetism and op-art. V.L.

Visionary Structures. From Johansons to Johansons

The Latvian Center for Contemporary Art, 2015

From Johansons to Johansons – a catalog of the exhibition of the same name, held in 2015 at the Bozar Brussels Center for Bozar and an organized center together with the Latvian National Art Museum and the Latvian Center for Contemporary Art. The exhibition traced one of the trajectories of the development of Latvian art, which ran from constructivism to kinetism and further to art based on new technologies. The exposition united the works of three generations of artists who worked in different eras, but preserved, according to curators, committed by similar ideas and currents.

In the 1920s, Latvian artists Karl Johanson and Gustav Klutsis, who belonged to a group of constructivists in Moscow, proposed a new way to visualize the dynamics of modern life. The authors of the 1970s turned to their heritage: a number of artists, including Valdis Tselms, Janis Krievs and Arthurs Rinkis, were passionate about the scientific aesthetics and possibilities of shaping, which became possible thanks to this aesthetics. The authors of this circle worked not only as artists, but also as designers of urban and natural landscapes, interior designers and space technology design – so, Janis Krievs was the author of electronic dynamic lighting systems of residential premises.

The focus of the new generation of artists presented at the exhibition was modern science – computer technologies, the language of which, unlike the aesthetics of kinetism, does not claim universalism, but allows you to construct alternative microrealities, the post -human world. This world is shown by the works of Gints Gabrase and Voldemara Johanson, consists of particles, biological matter, gene chains and technological algorithms.

And if in the 1920s in the designs of Karl Johanson and the photomonts of Gustav Klutsis, we see a utopia created by a political and revolutionary imagination, and instead of artists-engineers and designers, then the visual thinking of the 1970s addresses the “cooled”, as the curator of the exhibition called them Iev Astakhovsk, socialist ideals. The kinetic objects of Valdis Tselms, Janis Krievs and Arthurs Rignkis, as Astakhovsk writes, emit cybernetic optimism and poetic cosmic escapism. These artists have found ways to use the state imperative of “technical aesthetics” for their own creative research and endow this aesthetics with freedom of form and content.

Astakhovsk is quoted by the researcher Andrei Kharitonov, who managed to accurately characterize the essence of the projects of the Latvian kinetists: Their objects are gifts to Soviet people from the upcoming galactic society, made on the principle of scientific and technical rationality.Some of the works of Celms, Krievs and Rinkis can be seen at the Transatlantic Alternative exhibition. I. B.

A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine and the Computer's Arrival in Art. New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961–1973

ZKM | Center for Arts and Media Karlsruhe, 2011

A weighty volume dedicated to New Trends, an international movement that emerged in socialist Yugoslavia and developed the ideas of op art and kineticism, as well as the computer art that was gaining momentum, was released as an afterword to the exhibition “bit international. [New] trends. Computer and visual research. Zagreb, 1961-1973. This large-scale project was shown at the New Gallery in Graz and ZKM | Media Museum in Karlsruhe in 2007-2008.

This monumental study collects information on the history of New Trends, which began with a meeting in 1961 in Zagreb between the Brazilian artist Almira de Silva Maviña, who lived in Germany, and the Croatian art critic Matko Mestrovic, who joined forces to organize an exhibition of new computer art in Museum of Modern Art in Zagreb, whose director was Bozo Beck, who supported their ideas. After Zagreb, exhibitions of New Trends were held in Italy, Germany and France, by 1968 the movement became international. The book provides a detailed timeline of exhibitions, symposiums, and New Trends publications, as well as the history of Bit International, a magazine published by members of the movement.

Many New Trends participants classified their work as research, not only at the level of method, but also in terms of reorganizing artistic practices, leaning more towards collective co-creation than individual work. Representatives of the movement promoted the idea of ​​industrial production and multiplication of works, and in the new art they saw a reflection of the ideal of a modern democratic industrial society. The discussions that took place between 1968 and 1973 and are documented in this book describe themes and attitudes that still resonate in digital art. M.K.

documenta III. Malerei, Sculptur

Verlag M. DuMont Shauberg, 1964

4. documenta. Catalog 1

Verlag Druck + Verlag GmbH Kassel, 1968

In 1964, visitors to the Kassel exhibition documenta III had the opportunity to get acquainted with the art of kinetic artists in the section Light and Motion. The founder of Documents, Arnold Bode, single-handedly selected works for it (a committee of 15 people, including Bode himself, worked on the other sections of the exhibition). He chose mainly Western European artists, including Heinz Mack, Otto Pinet, Günther Uecker, Nicolas Schaeffer, members of the French association GRAV (Groupe de recherche d'art vusel – Visual Art Study Group) Francois Morellet and Julio Le Park, Jesús Rafael Soto (the works of Le Parc and Soto are featured in Garage) and others. However, in the introductory article to the catalog, written by Werner Haftman, member of the selection committee and documenta III scientific consultant, kineticism and its representatives are not mentioned.Formulating the curatorial credo of the project, according to which “art is what great artists do”, Haftman focuses his reasoning around representatives of pre- and post-war modernism (from Matisse and Kandinsky to Sam Francis and Anthony Tapies).

The baton was taken over by the exhibition 4. documenta, which took place in 1968 under the heading “the youngest Documenta in history”. Kineticism and op art – along with performance art and happenings, pop art and minimalism – were represented relatively widely on it. The exposition includes works by Bridget Riley, Victor Vasarely, Gyula Kosice, Zdenek Sikora (the works of the last three are also presented in the Garage), as well as the Movement group, however, not quite rightly signed with the name of Lev Nusberg alone, who in fact was not the author works reproduced in the catalogue. How these things got from the USSR abroad (a question for the 1960s is not an idle one), the publication does not explain, but only states that the works of Soviet authors cannot be given out for other exhibitions.

A large text devoted to kinetic art and op art was written for the catalog by Werner Spies, who described the works of representatives of these movements from the point of view of the latest developments in the field of perception psychology at that time. “Op art is what we call works that appeal to vision in all its self-sufficiency,” he sums up. – The mechanisms underlying kinetic art are only partially overlapped by the mechanisms of op art, but at the same time they should not be unambiguously separated. Their common denominator is in the definition of the artistic… in which the system of viewing/interpretation… is replaced by a system that destroys the identity of perception and apperception (direct perception and comprehension of what is seen. — V. L.).” Both catalogs are published in German. V. L.

Italian ZERO Avantgarde ‘60s

Silvana editoriale, 2011

The Paths of German Art from 1949 to the Present. From the collection of the Institute for Foreign Relations (ifa), Stuttgart

The publication was prepared for the exhibition “Group ZERO. Contemporary Italian Art of the Middle of the 20th Century”, held in 2011 at the Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, and this book can be considered an almanac in terms of its structure. The publication, according to the preface, was decided not to be preceded by a serious art history text, so that the reader (and the visitor of the exhibition) could independently catch and restore the links between individual artists and works. This does not mean that the texts in the publication were not published at all. The history and meaning of the works of the Zero participants are revealed through the publications of the artists themselves: fragments of their letters, articles and comments on their own works, which are presented in detail in this publication.

Zero was an international movement, whose activity also unfolded in Germany, France, the Netherlands.In the case of Italy, one of the key figures of movement was Lucho of the Fountain, whose views are reflected in manifestos, partially reproduced in the publication. His ideas are developed by the article by Enriko Castellani and Pierrot Mandzoni, published in Azimuth magazine in 1960. In the “critical notes on theoretical contributions in the framework of a new trend”, Manfredo Massayoni formulated the theoretical principles of social relations in culture, which metaphorically was reflected in his work “unstable perception”. Readers are also offered the text of Nanda Vigo about Lucho Fontan, in form, however, more like memories than a critical essay about him.

OP-art Alberto Biazi, Geometrism Agostino Bonalumi, Design David Boriani, resembling the work of the “Movement” group, Bruno Munari machines, white surfaces of Paolo skeletons, mirror objects of Vigo Nandy-the catalog visually demonstrates how the shape and the illusion of movement for a certain period created by her In the history of art, it has become an actual artistic language.

You can find out about the German branch of the famous movement (Hinz Mak, Otto Pine and others) from the article by Werner Mayer, published in the catalog of the “Way of German Art from 1949 to the present,” held in 2014 of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art. M. Sh.


Review F1 2020: Gamez – Game Portal

Overview F1 2020 to be a Formula 1 racer should mean that you will have to carry a large weight on your shoulders. I mean when thousands of hours were poured into the craft of their exquisite racing

Review F1 2020

 The official game of the World Cup Formula-1 2020, including F2.

To be a racer of Formula 1 should mean that you will have to carry a large weight on your shoulders. I mean when thousands of hours were poured into the craft of your exquisite racing car, imagine that your boss's face after, pushing it to the wall on the knees 1. But what if you This boss? F1 2020 allows you to be a pilot and a manager in your own team, so you have every right to ignore your own failure and instead punish dissatisfied aerodynamic employees, closing their research and development department.

Need to know

What is it? The official game of the World Cup Formula-1 2020, including F2.
Considered: 64-bit version of Windows 10 for the home, Intel Core I7 of the 10th generation, 16 GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070.
Price: 60 US dollars / 45 pounds, with two additional levels of premium DLC
Date of issue: already
I went out Publisher: Codemasters
Developer: Codemasters
Multiplayer: Local races for two players in the individual season of the Grand Prix, as well as network rating and nervous races and races in leagues with nets up to 20 players.
Link: Official site

For several years, the F1 series from Codemasters has been offering a comparable depth of career mode, but creating its own team and its management really affects the emotional affection that you feel. From the answers for the press for the press to the choice of the right teammate – you are responsible for your results to such an extent that you can clearly trace any failure to the wrong decision. And each variable, from the statistics of Acclaim to the choice of a sponsor and wear of the components and how you fill out the new calendar out of the schedule, combines with other systems, creating a single whole. But, what is the most remarkable, in the end, everything boils down to how you drive a car, which, of course, is of paramount importance in the racing game, which still remains very dynamic.

10 second fine

Of course, this is the “action” in the modern sense of the word in Formula 1, and although there are moments of genuine excitement, when your rival comes out of the boxes right next to you in turn 1, there are also countless them. The rules that need to be followed, and the necessary management of the service life of the components, which makes F1 a much more smart racing game than some of its analogues. The rise and movement by inertia in corners saves fuel and charges the ERS battery, which allows you to increase speed later or when you most need them in a defensive situation. Too sharp rotation of the wheel creates insufficient rotation, the tires wear out, and a trip on the curb can break fragile parts.

Review F1 2020: Gamez – Game Portal

Overview F1 2020 to be a Formula 1 racer should mean that you will have to carry a large weight on your shoulders. I mean when thousands of hours were poured into the craft of their exquisite racing

Review F1 2020

To be a racer of Formula 1 should mean that you will have to carry a large weight on your shoulders. I mean when thousands of hours were poured into the craft of your exquisite racing car, imagine that your boss's face after, pushing it to the wall on the knees 1. But what if you


boss? F1 2020 allows you to be a pilot and a manager in your own team, so you have every right to ignore your own failure and instead punish dissatisfied aerodynamic employees, closing their research and development department.

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The composition of the Russian national hockey team for the world championship in Riga has been announced.

It became known which of the Russian hockey players will go to the 2021 World Championship, which starts on May 21 in Riga. The preliminary composition involves the change of the captain of the national team, as well as the calculation for the arrival of players from the National Hockey League.

The composition of the Russian national hockey team for the world championship in Riga has been announced

Anton Burdasov as part of the Russian national team

It became known which of the Russian hockey players will go to the 2021 World Championship, which starts on May 21 in Riga. The preliminary composition involves the change of the captain of the national team, as well as the calculation for the arrival of players from the National Hockey League.

The list of candidates for a trip to the 2021 World Hockey Championship as part of the Russian national team was announced a few hours after the end of the Czech stage of the Euro Hockey Tour, where the Russians lost to the Czech Republic with a score of 0:4 in the final match.

Goalkeepers: Alexander Samonov (SKA, St. Petersburg), Ivan Fedotov (CSKA, Moscow);

Defenders: Artem Zub (Ottawa Senators, NHL), Ivan Provorov (Philadelphia Flyers, NHL), Vladislav Gavrikov (Columbus Blue Jackets, NHL), Nikita Nesterov (Calgary Flames, NHL), Nikita Zadorov ( Chicago Blackhawks, NHL), Grigory Dronov (Metallurg, Magnitogorsk), Igor Ozhiganov (SKA), Rushan Rafikov, Alexei Marchenko (both – Lokomotiv, Yaroslavl);

At the same time, goalkeeper Ivan Bocharov, forwards Ilya Safonov and Vasily Podkolzin will be preparing with the team, but they will not be included in the application yet. Two more hockey players – defender Kirill Kirsanov and forward Kirill Marchenko – will undergo individual training in Riga.

Thus, the application included 26 hockey players out of 28. Two more places were left for the players of the National Hockey League, said the head coach of the Russian team Valery Bragin.

“We leave in the application one place for the goalkeeper and one place for the attacker from the NHL. We will wait for the completion of the first round of the playoffs in the Stanley Cup, ”he said.

One of the most interesting and important changes was that the team captain Egor Yakovlev was not included in this list. He received the captain's armband after Vadim Shipachev left the national team, and in an interview he emphasized that he was glad and proud of this circumstance. At the Euro Tour in the Czech Republic, although the hockey player did not shine, it cannot be said that he failed the matches. However, for example, in the final match, Yakovlev retired twice in the third period.

Everything went to the fact that he would go to the World Championship in the status of captain, but in the end the hockey player was completely out of the squad. Yakovlev himself declined to comment on what happened.

The captain's armband will go to CSKA forward Anton Slepyshev. Nine people will become his assistants at once – Anton Burdasov, Mikhail Grigorenko, Igor Ozhiganov, Artem Zub, Vladislav Gavrikov, Alexei Marchenko, Evgeny Timkin, Konstantin Okulov and Maxim Shalunov.

It is worth noting that not only Yakovlev was excluded from the composition, the defenders Dmitry Yudin (Ak Bars), Daniil Pylenkov (Vityaz, Moscow Region), Mikhail Naumenkov (Salavat Yulaev, Ufa) also remained “overboard” of the world. , Kirill Kirsanov (SKA) and striker Denis Zernov (Vanguard).

Questions are also raised by the application of goalkeepers. Fedotov did not in the best way in the final match of the Europeanchocketing with the Czech Republic and was replaced during the game after he missed three washers. The first number at the World Cup will probably become Samonov, and Bocharov will be included in the application only if one of the two goalkeepers is injured. At the same time, the coaching staff of the national team leaves a place under the goalkeeper from the NHL.

However, a serious question arises here – is it worth the game of candles? When departing from the first round of the Stanley Cup, the NHL goalkeeper will have time to come only to the quarter -final or the semifinals of the World Cup. In addition, the aspect that the Russian team still needs to be reached, this goalkeeper will have a difficult season, a long flight from the USA, acclimatization and weekly quarantine. Will he be able to show the same level on the world championship as in the National Hockey League?

A similar question arises with a place for an attacker from the NHL. At the same time, two attackers who could be included in the application are already sent with the team to Riga.

The World Cup starts on May 21. On the same day, the Russian team will hold the first match of the group stage, where he will meet with the Czech team.

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Discussion of broadcasts on television

Biathlon news. Biathlon World Cup Schedule. Olympic Games 2018 in Pyeongchang. Results, broadcasts.

Discussion of broadcasts on television

A lot of fans are now asking the question – will we see biathlon on our TV screens? We answer – we will see, but unfortunately not in the form in which we would like. Unlike last year, only one TV channel will broadcast the races, namely the First National. Not all broadcasts will be live, for example, this week the individual races will be shown only the next day, the pursuit races in the editing in the evening and we will see only the sprints live, although not at first. In addition to the First National Biathlon, it can also be seen on Eurosport and the German ZDF (satellite). And of course there will be video broadcasts via the Internet organized by the International Biathlon Union for owners of good Internet channels.

Why is there only one channel left? On the Internet we found the following information:
Megasport – the Inter media group (which owns this TV channel) changed its frequency, exchanging it with one soapy TV channel, so now Megasport is available only in 13 large cities and their satellites. This situation is probably not conducive to the emergence of TV sponsors.
Sport 1 – I could not find a common language with cable operators due to the amount of deductions (primarily from Volya-cable) and went from cable to satellite, where, as you understand, the number of subscribers will not allow you to purchase broadcasts.

print version
2008-12-14 20:37 See the profile

Can anyone explain to this Tymoshenko that Medvedtseva is Pyleva? otherwise he was already tired with his comments: Showed up not long ago, Insufficiently informed, etc.

Yep, that's it. Killed the phrase about the day to see on such a level. A young man, Olga Medvedtseva, who bore the name Pyleva, was an Olympic champion back in Salt Lake City in 2002, and she has enough experience at that level! The athlete returned after a 2-year disqualification and the birth of a child, she has a very difficult sports fate. Once again, I advise you to think what you say!
And do not confuse Henkel with Beck several times until it became clearly noticeable. I see that there are improvements in the pronunciation of the name of the French biathlete Brunet. This is a positive moment.

The Ut-1 commentator said several times that Derkach ran 3 penalty loops and called Canada Switzerland. But he is forgiven. 🙂

2008-12-14 20:52 See the profile

How nice to read qualified comments on the forum! There remains a hope, however weak, that the functionaries of the Ut-1 channel also read them and draw conclusions in relation to the training of commentators.

2008-12-14 21:50 See the profile And I watched the biathlon on RTV-2 Slovenia – they showed this stage in full live, I don’t know how about the next one.
Commentators, compared to ut1, there are not enough words (I understand a little in Slovenian) ..
it is heaven and earth.
2008-12-14 23:35 See the profile I didn’t look at UT 1 today, but judging by your reviews, yesterday’s day continues (yesterday he called Bucholz to be sure and waited all the time for Vita Semerenko at the finish line). But I watched Eurosport, so there, too, pearls were given out by a commentator like I look Ukraine is also in a good place, which means Derkach successfully passed his stage (this is with 2 penalty loops then) then he confused the Frenchwoman several times with ours, Sedneva called Prima p-truth then corrected himself when he saw the last name on next frontier. But all the same, it’s interesting to watch them and they are not obliged to report on our athletes, so thanks to Eurosport for this and for the live broadcast
2008-12-15 00:16 See the profile Cool thread for those who don't know:
2008-12-15 00:28 See the profile Cool topic if anyone doesn't know: sultpanel/resultpanel800.html
Oh yes, raise your hand, who on this site does not know this link)
2008-12-15 00:55 See the profile Cool thread for those who don't know: sultpanel/resultpanel800.html
so I’m in parallel with Eurosport and I watch both data centers, but it’s still more interesting to watch on TV, so I sometimes watch in reruns, otherwise when I’m worried about the live broadcast and I watch it on my computer and it’s distracting on TV does not apply to UT1 – this channel can only be watched with stograms and a voice recorder so that they can then send them the nonsense they said)
2008-12-15 09:27 See the profile In my opinion, the commentator called Christoph Stefan a doubtful participant in the relay. well, then Prima, and Shipulin and many others can also be called such. :)))
2008-12-15 12:17 See the profile What to talk about. If we say about Pyleva (now Medvedtsev) that she lacks experience, there is nowhere to go, it can't get any worse. Maybe they (Channel One) send links, they know how to read.
2008-12-15 15:10 See the profile 2 MrVisual
And why was the Eurosport channel removed from the broadcasts of the Hochfilzen stage, will they really not broadcast?
2008-12-15 16:32 See the profile there will be of course and several repetitions there will be a program for several weeks in advance there is on the Eurosport website
2008-12-15 16:35 See the profile 2 Nikolay
yes, I already looked at what they will be, it’s just strange that they took it from this site
2008-12-15 16:57 See the profile I’ve been watching biathlon for more than 10 years, but I haven’t heard worse comments than on ut-1! It was better on Megasport – people corrected themselves, tried, listened. This weekend I wanted to cry from these snatches, not broadcasts! People, biathlon is interesting for its development, dynamics , changes, we love him for this! It seems that the commentators themselves do not know what they are talking about! Give a normal broadcast or do not show at all!
2008-12-15 17:37 See the profile

yes, I already looked at what they will be, it’s just strange that they took it from this site

they were not taken away, but initially broadcasts were set only for the first 2 stages

2008-12-15 17:41 See the profile

The commentators are still okay, but the broadcast is 30 minutes. It is not possible to watch it. Fragments showed and brag; Watch the biathlon at the First National

2008-12-15 18:07 See the profile Guys on UT-1! Comment as you like (I can generally turn off the sound), but show the races not in fragments, but FULLY.
2008-12-15 20:12 See the profile

Nikon, but about the fact that they are not required to report how our athletes perform, then I do not agree. If our guys were in the leading group, then Eurosport cannot but report on them, they are obliged to do this (even if instead of Ukraine there is a Japanese team), otherwise they are non-professionals.

2008-12-15 21:29 See the profile

And this Tymoshenko can explain that Medvedtseva is Pyleva? And then he was already tired with his comments: Z'yas did not do it, disadvantage is preoccupied , etc.
Ahaha! Rzhunimagu.

2008-12-15 21:32 See the profile Well, at least that they did not say that she is the wife of the President of Russia. Thank you and that.
2008-12-15 21:36 See the profile Well, at least that they did not say that she is the wife of the President of Russia. Thank you and that.
Finally crawled under a chair.
2008-12-15 23:18 See the profile

Nikon, and about the fact that they are not obliged to report how our athletes act, here I do not agree. If our guys were in a leading group, then Eurosport cannot not report them, they must do this (even if there is a Japanese team instead of Ukraine), otherwise they are non -professional.

I did not mean when ours leads. The commentator on Eurosport periodically tells both Ukraine and Belarus and the rest of the posts. countries (maybe they know about the problems of our TV or maybe our site reads)

2008-12-15 23:25 See the profile

-And I want Pidrimati Kontrimi. Oh pardon, all bagato іnformasi, give to the cores. Khoto want that hi of the hoof to the same.

2008-12-15 23:37 See the profile

-And I want Pidrimati Kontrimi. Oh pardon, all bagato іnformasi, give to the cores. Khoto want that hi of the hoof to the same.

Sports Betting Maryland

Public transport in Yalta: schedule, routes | Travel • Blender in Crimea

Public transport Yalta in the Travel guide • Blender. Travel bloggers about the features of urban transport Yalta. The cable car to Ai-Petri.

Public transport in Yalta

They distinguish between the city of Yalta and the large Yalta – the coastal district with a length of about 70 kilometers, which includes Simeiz, Alupka, Livadia and other settlements. It is very convenient to move around the city and in the district by public transport, which is well developed here. If you plan to travel a lot around the neighborhood, you can rent a car.

Public transport

Individual transport

Special transport

Transport nodes Yalta

Public transport

If you settle closer to the center, then most of the entertainment will be in walking distance.

Yalta map

If you stop away, then you can get to the embankment by buses, trolleybuses and minibuses. City transport works from 05:30 to 23:00.

The cost of one trip – 17 rub. You can purchase an unlimited travel (transport card) for a month for 1020 rubles. The price of the card is 100 rubles. It is sold at the cash desks of the intercity trolleybus message, at the final stops, in the kiosks of Krymsoyuzhata JSC and in all departments of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Mail Crimea.

The movement schedule and public transport routes can be seen here.


They serve the center and the coast east of it and then go to Simferopol and Alushta. In Yalta itself, trolleybuses 1 and 3 run.

Route number 1: Trolleybus station – st. Red Army. Opening hours: 05:52 – 21:30. If you want to take a walk along the embankment, go out at the stops of “ul. Sea ”or“ st. Garden .

Route number 3: st. Red Army – South Berezhnaya Highway (Massandra). Opening hours: 04:30 – 23:00. On this trolleybus you can get to the Massandra Palace.

For movement in Yalta, intercity flights are also suitable, but they only go from the trolleybus station near the bus station towards Massandra and Gurzuf.

Trolleybuses in Yalta

Buses and minibuses

The network of bus routes covers the whole city, outskirts and settlements of Bolshaya Yalta. Tourists are useful for these minibuses: No. 11 and bus No. 100 will be taken to Livadia, minibuses No. 29 and 29a – to Nikita.

Yan Laros


talks about one of the main disadvantages of this type of transport:

And everything would be fine if it were not for the general condition of the rolling stock of bus parks. This is a quiet horror, by and large. Mostly plying in the trash, the standard28 or Bogdan26. Moreover, these buses execute routes not only around the city, but also take intercity.

But, in fairness, I want to note that such a rusty junk is getting less and less. The parks are constantly updated, and I hope that in a couple of years they will remain only in terrible memories.

Bus in Yalta

All areas to the west of the center are served minibuses: city numbers are assigned to 100, suburban and long -distance – more than 100.

Individual transport


According to the Blogger LJ with the nickname Nin_mak, a taxi in Yalta – the pleasure is not cheap:

In Bolshaya Yalta, go by taxi in the city, the village from 160 rubles. On average, 150-200 rubles. Alupka area is only 4 km. And for such distances, such a price. And from Alupka to Yalta during the day, a taxi travel 500 rubles. So our taxi is not as affordable at prices as on the mainland.

In order to save money, we recommend using the services of official taxi services, not private traders. Here is a list of popular companies and their phone numbers. Many of them have mobile applications.

Private traders usually overstate prices, sometimes even twice. Remember that a trip within the city center should not go more than 100 rubles. Most services have a minimum – 90 rubles.

Rent a Car

It is advisable if you plan to travel outside the city: in Yalta itself, except for the embankment, nowhere to go. Parking is quite expensive (50 rubles per hour).

You can rent a car in Yalta itself and at the airport of Simferopol. Cost – on average from 1200 rubles. per day. If you go to Crimea in the high season, it is better to book a car in advance.

Alexey Zimin Blog Alexzimin

Talks about the nuances of car rental:

The choice of rolling offices in the Crimea is very large, but not everyone offers low prices and at the same time good conditions. The season in the Crimea is very short, many distributors overstate prices greatly to make good money in the summer.

International rental companies, such as Hertz, Rentalcars, Autoeurope, etc. Either do not offer anything interesting, or expose unrealistically high prices and ask for even higher pledges. You need to look for a car among local automobiles.

Favorable terms of car rental in Yalta – our partners.

Or you can simplify your life and order an individual transfer:

  • The price is fixed, and you know it in advance.
  • The car will drive up to the appointed time, you will not have to wait.
  • There will be air conditioning in the car.

If you have a difficult route with several stops, the ideal option is to rent a car with a driver.

Special transport

Cable roads


MISHOR – a tourist district near Yalta. You can get to the cable car on Ai-Petri by minibuses No. 102 or No. 32, driving to the stop Lower Cable Road Station.

The length of the cable car is 2980 m, there are only three stations: MISHOR (Simple), Sosnovy Bor, Ai-Petri (at an altitude of 1152 m above sea level). The rise takes 15 minutes.

Cable car to Ai-Petri

Photo from the article by Katerina Shchel

4 cabins run along the way, each holds 40 people. Fare One way for an adult – 400 rubles, for children from 6 to 12 years old – 250 rubles, under 6 years old – free of charge.

The mode of operation

Rise – from 09:00 to 17:00
Descent – from 09:00 to 18:00

The work of the cable car depends on the weather. It is better to clarify information by calling: +7 (978) 278 32 59, +7 (978) 109 58 09.

Yalta is a hill

The lower station of this cable car is located right on the Yalta embankment, to the left of the building of the Tavrida Hotel. The upper station is located on the Darsanovsk hill.

Katerina Shchels in the article on the portal Travelask talks about what you will see during the trip:

The route passes by the gilded domes of the cathedral of Alexander Nevsky, the Yalta gymnasium named after A.P. Chekhov, interesting hotel facades and just over the courts of local residents who are already used to the colored cabins floating over their roofs. The hill in this case is a hill of Darsan, from which panoramas open to the city.

Cable road Yalta - Gorka

Photo from the article by Katerina Shchel

The length of the cable car is 600 m, the height difference is 120 m. The travel time is 12 minutes. The boines are designed for 2 people, you need to slip into them on the go, since the movement is closed in a circle and without stops. In this regard, Katerina shiftly warns:

Two adults of the average complexion and the child will fit, but we still have to have time to climb together. Cabinets do not stop their movement, so you need to go and go on the go. In some people, such a landing causes stress, because everything needs to be done quickly, and it is not very convenient to go through the door opening inside the door. But no one rushes you. You can choose a booth by color and see how others jump, and then try it yourself. Continue to sit in the booth when she enters the engine room is strictly prohibited. But, frankly, nothing terrible will happen if you still go there.

Fare In both directions for an adult – 400 rubles, for a child – 200 rubles.

Opening hours: From 09:00 to 21:00 without a break and weekends.

Water transport Yalta

The passenger terminal of the Yalta port is located in the city center. You can get to it by bus No. 109 (stop Roosevelt Street).

Yalta port

From the port you can go on a walk to other settlements of the southern coast of Crimea. Excursions are popular to the Swallow Nest, towards Gurzuf, in Partenit.

The cost is different, depends on the direction, duration and type of walking (with or without landing). For example, a marine tour to the Swallow Nest with landing and vice versa costs 600 rubles. For an adult, for a child over 6 years old – 400 rubles.

Transport nodes Yalta

  1. Yalta seaport.
  2. Bus Station Yalta. From here you can get anywhere in the peninsula.

There is no railway station and airport.


The most inexpensive and convenient ways of moving on Yalta and the surroundings are buses, trolleybuses and minibuses. You can also pamper yourself with a pleasant trip on the cable car or go on an exciting sea trip to other attractions of the peninsula.

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OJSC "PSO-13": how to get into the pool of the most reliable contractors "the VCRossian industry Internet magazine" "

What is the secret to the success of the construction company near Moscow

OJSC PSO-13: How to get into the pool of the most reliable contractors

OJSC PSO-13: How to get into the pool of the most reliable contractors

OJSC “Design and Construction Association No. 13”, which is part of the construction complex of the Moscow Region, has more than half a century of experience and many professional achievements in the field of construction. At one time, the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation included PSO-13 in the rating of the 100 best organizations in the construction complex of Russia. Today, the company expands the geography and sphere of its activities in the industrial design and construction market. This was told by our magazine by the general director of PSO-13 OJSC Yuri Vorotnin.

– Historically, the company originally worked in the Istra district of the Moscow Region, where you are well known. What are the main objects erected by PSO-13 OJSC in this area, could you list? What unites them, except for the territorial neighborhood?

-During active investments in the Istsksky district, PSO-13 OJSC sensitively reacted to the call of the time, and from the team surviving at the expense of the construction of country houses and individual mansions, it was rebuilt into a company that capable of implementing industrial facilities fundamentally funded as Russian, as soon as possible. and foreign investors.

Over the past ten years, we have built such iconic objects such as a factory of ready-made drugs of the KRKA-RUS, the Istra Nutricia, meat processing plant Velkom, the Islator, Dunfoss, Grindfos, Grindfos, and Grundfos plants. VTs Klima ”,“ Lactalis ”,“ Arkhbum ”, Logistic parks“ Promzona Leshkovo ”,“ Kulon-Istra ”and other objects. In almost all projects of PSO-13 OJSC, it participated from the choice of a land plot to the commissioning of the facility.

– Recently, the company has significantly expanded the geography of its activities. Having successfully implemented several industrial facilities in the Istra district, PSO-13 began to receive proposals from investors in other regions.What and where you are offered to build, and what has already been implemented?

– In recent years, investments in the Istrinsky district have declined for various reasons. To save the team and give it a new impetus for development, we were forced to expand the geography of activity. This opportunity appeared in the first place because of the positive reviews of investors about the projects that we implemented in the Istra district. Thus, we entered the Kaluga region and to the southeast of the Moscow region.

In Kaluga, with our participation, the Benteller, Fuchsoyil, Fresiya, and the foamed glass plant were put into operation. In the city of Zhukovsky, our customer was the United Aircraft Corporation, in Noginsk and Klimovsk – the Logistic company Reyen Rasha, in Zheleznodorozhny – the company Sportmaster, in Podolsk – Haust Hold Lodzhik and Capital Capital, in Shakhovskaya – Inzhykh , In Bulatnikovo – General Investments , in Odintsovo – Trekhgorka and Sangry Polygraph Service . And in Arkhangelsk we put into operation the Titan shopping center with an area of ​​60 thousand square meters – an object that is unique for this regional center of the Russian North.

Not without success, we are trying to infiltrate the Moscow Construction Market. Two tenders have already won – in printer and Pervomaisky.

– The expansion of geography requires a completely new approach to the organization of work, management of financial flows, and the selection of personnel. How is the company being rebuilt in accordance with the new business conditions?

-Success largely depends on those engineering and technical workers who guide the construction of facilities. They must be able to work independently, gaining name and authority among state bodies in new territories, adequately representing the PSO-13 OJSC team there. Personnel really decide everything – this call will never be out of place.

Today, thanks to the clear fulfillment of its obligations, PSO-13 OJSC made its way into the pool of contractors who can in a short time to design and build an industrial object of any power and any quality.We are invited to most tenders that are played out in the central regions of Russia. We are financially supported by leading banks in Russia. And we are confidently looking into the future, every year increasing the volume of work by 20-25%.

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Total War: Warhammer 3 – Shazoo

Latest news Total War: Warhammer 3

Total War: Warhammer 3

As promised, Total War roadmap: Warhammer 3, including plans for the remaining part of 2022, appeared on the Web today. And one of the key points that are interested in fans was the availability of information about the Immortal campaign.

Published plans to support Total War: Warhammer 3 - General map in the third quarter

Tomorrow Creative Assembly will publish the Total War: Warhammer 3 roadmap

For more than two months, it took the Creative Assembly studio to deal with the deadlines for the future content of Total War: Warhammer 3. The developers promised to show the game roadmap on April 29: we heard from many of you.

Tomorrow Creative Assembly will publish the Total War: Warhammer 3 roadmap

One video to attract friends in Total War: Warhammer 3

Sometimes it may be difficult to attract new people in the game, especially if she has a number three in her headline. Creative Assembly thought about it and released a video, designed to quickly explain to the person from the side of what it is.

One video to attract friends in Total War: Warhammer 3

In the Steam workshop on Total War: Warhammer 3 already more than 600 mods

Preparation of Total War: Warhammer III took quite a lot of time to launch the workshop in Steam, but with the launch of the update version 1.1, now the creators of mods can load their creations at Workshop. In addition, the patch made a number of improvements.

In the Steam workshop on Total War: Warhammer 3 already more than 600 mods

Visor Redary Ride 1.1 for Total War: Warhammer 3

Developers Total War: Warhammer 3 published a video dedicated to update 1.1. This patch is already available, and in the video they talk in detail about corrections and innovations. Version 1.1 brought support for mods and greatly changed the race behind the souls.

Visor Redary Ride 1.1 for Total War: Warhammer 3

Fashion, Nerf Race for Souls and the balance of factions in the Total War: Warhammer 3 update

Creative Assembly published a diary of developers with a description of the upcoming patch 1.1 for Total War: Warhammer 3. Patch exit is planned at the beginning of April. But the combined card seems to be seriously detained, like other additional content. Big.

Fashion, Nerf Race for Souls and the balance of factions in the Total War: Warhammer 3 update

This mod allows you to play Total War: Warhammer 3 in sandbox mode

One of the main problems of Total War: Warhammer 3 was her plot – the strategy forces the players to participate in the exhausting race behind the souls of the chaos of the gods. And if at first it adds interest, then on the second/third passage begins frankly.

This mod allows you to play Total War: Warhammer 3 in sandbox mode

Kokoshniki, demons and warriors on the concept arts Total War: Warhammer 3

A lot of artists published Total War concept art: Warhammer 3 on their pages Artstation. Professionals worked on the game who worked out every element of unit, up to Kokoshniks of Kislev and the armor of the bears. Artists worked out the appearance of the units of Katay, Chaos, Ogrov.

Kokoshniki, demons and warriors on the concept arts Total War: Warhammer 3

Bugs and funny moments in the fan video Total War: Warhammer 3

The release of Total War: Warhammer 3 cannot be called smooth – from the very exit, many gamers complain of disgusting performance, strange balance and many bugs. At the same time, the developers are in no hurry to repair their title and prefer time from.

Bugs and funny moments in Total War: Warhammer 3 fan video

In Total War Warhammer 3 files, they found audio with mentioning chaos gnomes

Games Workshop has created an amazing and very thoughtful Warhammer universe, all the races of which Creative Assembly could not be realized in three full -fledged Total Warhammer 3 and portions for the first two parts. Probably the third part is soon.

In the files of Total War Warhammer 3 found audio mentioning the Chaos Dwarves

UK chart: Almost half of Horizon Forbidden West sales came on digital versions

The Gamesindustry publication has published a list of the best -selling games in the UK.The first place was taken by Horizon: Forbidden West, 49% of the sales of which was on the number, which is twice as many indicators of the last part in March 2017. Against the background of the release of the sequel.

UK Chart: Nearly half of Horizon Forbidden West's sales came from digital releases

In the near future Total War: Warhammer 3 will receive a series of small patches

Last week, Creative Assembly has released the Total War strategy: Warhammer 3. The game quickly gained popularity and even, most likely, broke the record of the entire online series – but it was very poorly optimized. Today developers.

Total War: Warhammer 3 will receive a series of small patches in the near future

DSOG: There is nothing in Total War Warhammer 3 that could justify such bad performance

Journalists from DSOGAMING decided to test the Total War Warhammer Strategy last week. For this, they used the Intel i9 9900K processor with 16 GB DDR4 and a frequency of 3800 MHz, as well as the Radeon RX580 video card.

DSOG: Total War Warhammer 3 has nothing to justify such poor performance

It seems that Total War: Warhammer 3 broke the online record record

Total War: Warhammer 3 reached the PC on February 17 and showed an excellent result. Peak online strategies in Steam exceeded the bar of 166 thousand people. This is the second result in a series that is second only to Total War: Three.

Looks like Total War: Warhammer 3 has broken the series' online record

Steam chart: Total War: Warhammer 3 in the first place with 62% of positive reviews

Published data on Steam sales over the past week, which ended on February 20. The first place in the top was taken by Total War: Warhammer III from Creative Assembly. The game has 62% positive reviews. Following are the pre -orders of Elden.

Steam Chart: Total War: Warhammer 3 #1 with 62% positive reviews

Datamainers found a prototype of a single mega card in Total War: Warhammer 3

Total War: Warhammer 3 only came out, and the Datamainers have already found a giant mega card among the game files, uniting all regions and parts into a single one. Moreover, Creative Assembly developers have already confirmed that this is a very old prototype.

Dataminers found a prototype of a single mega-card in Total War: Warhammer 3

Sons Kislev – Released Total War: Warhammer 3

The Creative Assembly and Sega studio published a revenue trailer in honor of the release of the Total War strategy: Warhammer 3. The video is called Sons of Kislev. The game is already available in EGS and Steam. The strategy received quite high marks – 89 points.

Sons of Kislev - Total War: Warhammer 3 Release Trailer

Total War: Warhammer 3 came out – players are massively complaining about optimization

Creative Assembly has released the fantasy strategy Total War: Warhammer 3 on PC. Unfortunately, the release cannot be called successful – many gamers in reviews complain of disgusting optimization right now, the strategy has 585 reviews on Steam, and.

Total War: Warhammer 3 is out - players are massively complaining about optimization

Updated: Madden NFL 22 and Super Mega Baseball 3 in the new Xbox Game Pass selection

Microsoft released a new selection of games for the Xbox Game Pass for the second half of February. The leak was confirmed, but the games eventually turned out to be a little more. What is new: Total War: Warhammer 3 (PC) – February 17, Februaryboquest (PC) -.

Updated: Madden NFL 22 and Super Mega Baseball 3 in the new Xbox Game Pass collection

Total War: Warhammer 3 ratings – a little better than the second part

Yesterday the embargo on Total War: Warhammer 3 slept and the first press reviews were published. According to the average points, the game turned out to be slightly better than its predecessors. The continuation of the series 88 points for Opencritic and 87 points on Metacritic.

Sports Betting Maryland

News, events – About the municipality – Official website of the Duma and the administration of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory

Official website of the Duma and administration of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory Official website of the Duma and administration of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory Official

Official website of the Duma and the administration of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory

Official website of the Duma and the administration of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory

Official site

News, events

News information of local governments, regional information, announcements, events

Municipal News

The Immortal Bookshelf will be held in Zheleznovodsk for the first time

On May 7, in Zheleznovodsk, for the first time on the territory of the CMS, a patriotic action The Immortal Book Regiment will be held. The Book Regiment will be led by a column of Yunarmists who will carry photographs and names of poets and writers of front-line soldiers, as well as books written by them about the Great Patriotic War and after the war. In memory of the Great Victory, the participants of the action will draw the attention of residents and guests of the resort to books about the war, which are available in the funds of the city's libraries. These books form the golden fund of literature about the war. They are immortal. They reflect real events, real heroes.

Popular materials

Fifty medals were won by Zheleznovodsk residents in the taekwondo championship

Last weekend in Volgograd, the Championship, championship and festival of the Federation of Taekwondo and Touch Sparring Hero of Russia was held. From the Stavropol Territory 17 athletes and one judge took part. In total, more than 200 athletes from different regions of Russia took part in the tournament: the Udmurt Republic, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Perm Territory, the Stavropol Territory, the Vologda, Voronezh, Volgograd, Smolensk, Omsk, Novosibirsk regions. According to the results of two days of competition, young Zheleznovodsk residents and other participants in the competition from the region managed to win 48 medals and the second team place in the festival, losing only to the hosts of the competition.

Students of the Caucasian Mineral Waters go to work in the Zheleznovodsk health resorts

The development of a unified methodology for training specialists, which provides for practical exercises, is necessary for training and attracting personnel to work. Educational institutions of the Caucasian Mineral Waters have already signed contracts with Zheleznovodsk health resorts for students to practice in the following areas: waiter, concierge, medical workers. There is a question of working out in the areas of a programmer and a hairdresser. Thus, the resort is fighting against personnel shortages.

Due to bad weather, the head of Zheleznovodsk Evgeny Bakulin decided to cancel the ascent

On May 2, in Zheleznovodsk, it was planned to make a traditional ascent to Beshtau, and at the top they planned to deploy a 77-meter St. George ribbon and a flag with the brand of Zheleznovodsk.But because of the rains, the action dedicated to Victory Day decided to cancel.

The Vladimir Bet on the first in the Russian Empire Terrenkur in Zheleznovodsk opened on May 1

On May 1, in Zheleznovodsk, at the initiative of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov, the Vladimir source was opened. Water was discovered in 1909 by Dr. V.V. Vladimir, but unfortunately, was not used for more than 30 years. Together with the Water Society, a source was consecrated, which is open to residents and guests of the resort around the clock.

Another unauthorized landfill was stopped in Zheleznovodsk

The employees of the administration of Zheleznovodsk managed to record a car that took out construction garbage to the residential area of ​​the dropper. According to the driver of the car, garbage was taken out of one sanatorium of the resort city of Pyatigorsk. A protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up for the offender.

Divers from the bottom of the resort lake in Zheleznovodsk raise interesting finds

In Zheleznovodsk, they continue to prepare the 30’ka resort lake for the bathing season of 2022. In the resort administration, this is not the first time to resort to the help of specialists. During the cleaning of the bottom of the resort lake, divers raise a huge number of items, so four iPhone, three Samsung phones, jewelry, and “Ray Ban” glasses became “catch”. And the most important find was stone balls, which were located in Soviet times on the stairs leading to the sanatorium 30 years of Victory.

Zheleznovodsk entered the five best cities in Russia in municipal practice

The resort city of Zheleznovodsk took IV place in the All-Russian contest “Best Municipal Practice” in the nomination “Municipal Economic Policy and Municipal Finance Management among municipal districts, urban districts and urban settlements”. The solemn delivery of diplomas took place on April 28 in Moscow.

Become a participant in the Immortal Regiment campaign

In Zheleznovodsk, the Smart City platform will become an additional platform for the Online Belief of the Immortal Regiment

In the Kurortny Zheleznovodsk, the Immortal Regiment was placed on the Smart City platform. In it you can post information and photos of participants in the Great Patriotic War. On Victory Day, this “Immortal Regiment” will join the All -Russian action and will join the procession, which will be held throughout the country, including online.

Regional news



On April 25, 2022, as part of the historical education of students and measures to study the history of state symbols of the Russian Federation in all schools of the city of Zheleznovodsk, the event “Ceremony of the rise of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the execution of the state anthem of the Russian Federation”, in which deputies of the City of the city resort of Zheleznovodsk took part: Isakova Tatyana Sergeevna, Lozovskaya Victoria Dmitrievna, Alexander Sergeevich Lapshin, Karavaeva Zhanna Alekseevna and Konkov Alexei Viktorovich.

Popular materials

Information on the formation of the Youth Public Chamber of the city of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory

In order to form a new composition of the Youth Public Chamber of the city chamber of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory, the Duma of the resort of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory, in accordance with the decision of the Duma of the city of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory dated April 22, 2022 No. 69-VI “On holding a competition for compiling a ranking Candidates of the Youth Public Chamber of the City of Zheleznovodsk, the Stavropol Territory, from May 01, 2022, announces a competition to draw up a rating of candidates for members of the Youth Public Chamber of the city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Public Chamber).


On a public hearing on the draft decision of the Duma of the city resort of the Zheleznovodsk of the Stavropol Territory “On Amendments to the decision of the Council of the City of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory dated July 29, 2010 No. 736“ On the Charter of the Resort of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory ”

Deputies heard the report of the head of the resort of Zheleznovodsk on work for 2021.

On April 22, 2022, under the chairmanship of Rudakov Alexander Anatolyevich, the thirteenth meeting of the Duma of the city of Zheleznovodsk was held. The meeting of the Duma was attended by: head of the city Bakulin Evgeny Evgenievich, chairman of the Control and Audit Chamber of the city of Velikaya Nadezhda Vladimirovna, deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Nikolaev Igor Olegovich, the city prosecutor Sergey Grigoryevich, chairman of the Zheleznovodsk city public organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor The Armed Forces and Law enforcement agencies Pukhovsky Vladimir Stepanovich, chief physician GBUZ SK Zheleznovodskaya City Hospital Matvienko Yevgeny Petrovich, deputy heads of administration, as well as other officials and media representatives.

A meeting of the anti-terrorist commission of the administration of the city resort of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory

On March 22, under the chairmanship of the head of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk, the Stavropol Territory Bakulin Yevgeny Evgenievich, a meeting of the anti-terrorist commission was held.


In addition to information dated April 13, 2022, on April 22, 2022, the next meeting of the City Council of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory, the chairman of the Duma of the city of Zheleznovodsk, the Stavropol Territory Rudakov A.A. He clarifies that the meeting of the Duma of the resort of the Zheleznovodsk city of the Stavropol Territory will be held in the city Palace of Culture.


On April 19, 2022, the next meeting of the permanent deputy commission of the City Duma was held by law, local self -government. Deputies were present: Lozovskaya Victoria Dmitrievna, Goncharenko Artem Vladimirovich, Konkov Alexei Viktorovich, as well as employees of the Duma apparatus.The meeting was held by the head of the commission – Tatyana Sergeevna Isakova.

A number of current issues on the agenda of the permanent deputy commission of the City Duma for urban planning, utilities, ecology, land use, municipal property.

The commission was attended by deputies of the City Duma Dmitry Valerievich Khabibulin, Nikolai Ivanovich Cherkasov, Igor Alekseevich Ryzhkov, Alexander Sergeyevich Lapshin. The chaired by Andrei Nikolaevich Kononov. The members of the commission considered editorial editing in the Regulation on municipal land control in the territory of Zheleznovodsk, prepared taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the IC, in order to bring a situation in line with federal law.


On April 18, 2022, the next meeting of the permanent commission of the City Duma on budget, taxes, and financial policy was held. The meeting was present at the meeting: Karavaeva Zhanna Alekseevna, Andrey Nikolaevich Kononov, Statsenko Ivan Maksimovich. The meeting was held by the head of the commission – Kurbatov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich.


On April 18, 2022, under the chairmanship of Karavaeva Zhanna Alekseevna, another meeting of the permanent deputy commission of the City Duma on social policy and the resort was held. The discussion of the agenda was attended by deputies of the Duma of the city of Lozovskaya Victoria Dmitrievna, Pastyreva Olga Anatolyevna, Statsenko Ivan Maksimovich.


Tax officials invite to a seminar dedicated to important changes in traceability legislation

The tax service invites taxpayers to take part in the seminar devoted to the trace of goods. During the event, which will be held on May 12 at 10:00 in the online mode, topical issues of applying the provisions of the legislation on the national traceability system, including important changes that enter into force on July 1 of the current year, will be considered.