Evpatoria 24 | The Legion Fight Club invites … | % TAG% | % date% | The propaganda of a healthy lifestyle literally every month is gaining momentum.
The Legion Fight Club invites …

The propaganda of a healthy lifestyle literally every month is gaining momentum. It seems that from birth, the child’s parents are looking for intensely looking for a sports club in which their child will soon be engaged. This trend cannot but rejoice. After all, a healthy and strong nation is the key to the success of the whole country as a whole.
From sports to entrepreneurship and back
The Legion Fight Club opened its doors for children and adults recently – in November last year. But, already now we can say that he cannot occupy popularity. What is the secret of such success? It's all about the coach.
“Good afternoon, my name is Vladimir,” this long and fascinating interview began with this phrase and a wide smile. Coach Vladimir Ozerov himself in the past athlete, yes, with a capital letter, an athlete. In the past, Vladimir became the silver medalist in the world in kickboxing and was repeatedly the champion of Ukraine in kickboxing and the winner of the Cup of Ukraine.
Over the years, he trained at the Evpatoria fighting club Ross under the sensitive and close leadership of coach Andrei Vasilyevich Vishnikin, who released more than a dozen champions from under his wing.
Vladimir recalls the time spent in Ross with warmth and gratitude. And, as he himself admits, he no longer met the best coach than Andrei Vishnikin in life.
After, Vladimir studied coaching already at the Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. But, having received higher education, I decided not to return to the sport. He became an individual entrepreneur. And so he would have worked in the field of business, if not for the fateful case.

New club with great capabilities
“It cannot be said that I completely broke up with sports,” Vladimir says about my return, “I was engaged in different halls, watched the physical form, just could not ripen at the coaching work. This is a tremendous responsibility, and I am accustomed to responsibly approach the case that I am doing. But the case decided everything. Once, my wife and child went out for a walk, and I saw a group of children whom the coach brought to the park to engage in karate. The one saw struck to the core – all the instructions that the coach gave had nothing to do with the correct educational program for children in this sports discipline. Why teach children if you do it wrong? He voiced his comments to his wife. She asked the indecent question to indecent, – why can't you do the coaching work yourself? From that moment, the thought of opening the club did not leave me. And soon the fighting club Legion appeared.

For 9 months 32 students, among whom there are already winners and winners
Now the Legion club is engaged in more than 30 children of different ages and gender. Training takes place in the direction of kickboxing (K-1). In such a short time, these are good indicators, but the club can accommodate up to 100 people in its walls, so there is still where to grow and what to strive for.
Girls are also engaged in the hall, there are people who are over 50 years old. Vladimir says: – The main thing is what is needed from the student who comes to me is the desire to deal, and of course there are no medical contraindications for this sport.

What is K-1?
In fact, K-1 is the “Japanese” branch of kickboxing and its origin, it is associated with the penetration of Thai boxing into Japan, which, despite competition with karate-Kekusinkai, was able to occupy its very extensive niche, but not in its pure form, but in modified.
In fact, Japanese kickboxing is the redone rules of Thai boxing. Significant differences are a ban on elbows and another approach to counting points.
In 1993, K-1 appeared, which turned Japanese kickboxing into one of the most developed professional martial arts in the world. Together with Thai boxing, Japanese kickboxing came to Europe, primarily to Holland, which became one of the main world centers of kickboxing.

What do you give a child with kickboxing?
Classes of kickboxing develop a child physically: strengthen the shoulder belt, muscles of the hands and press. This helps to improve the reaction, coordination, flexibility, balance and dexterity. In addition to physical development, training improves internal qualities: they give self -confidence, help overcome difficulties.
Kikboxing is primarily martial art. This sport teaches the child to stand up for himself. He begins to understand how to effectively resist any opponent, even if his opponent is much more physically developed. In the process of training, the child learn to adequately assess the level of danger and adequately respond to it.
– Perhaps the most important aspect in training is a significant increase in psychological stability. In the child, self -esteem increases, the fear of violence among peers and older children, along with the level of personal skill, disappears. Unfortunately, the level of violence among children is growing every year and kickboxing can become the very unique tool with which the child is able to fend for himself and not become a victim of violence, Vladimir believes and it is difficult to disagree with his reasoning.
Of course, there are also disadvantages in this sport – this is injuries, but … in combat sports there are no no injuries, as, in principle, in any other sport.

Already for competitions? Already for victory?
It seems that nine months are catastrophically not enough to go out into the ring, but so are the townsfolk, not professionals.
The athlete needs to take part in competitions and tournaments, but how else will he learn to overcome the fear of the ring and the public? How will he understand that he is ready to fight for victory? How does he know what mistakes he makes?
-We try to take part in all competitions that are held on the peninsula in the directions of kickboxing, K-1, Thai boxing. My athletes have repeatedly brought victory, occupied 1st and 2nd places. But our greatest achievement during this time is participation in the Russian Championship in K-1. After all, it was in these competitions that my athlete Anfisa Onishchenko took 2nd place and became a silver medalist of the Russian championship,-says Vladimir proudly.
With great desire and dedication, Anfisa Onishchenko is engaged in. At the age of 12, she already became a silver medalist of the open championship and championship of Russia, took first place in the Crimean championship for Thai boxing and first place in the open tournament of the Makhno BC.
There are still winners in the club’s piggy bank: Daniil Grishin is the silver medalist of the Crimea championship for Thai boxing, the bronze medalist of the Crimea championship in K-1, the champion of the open tournament of the Makhno fighting club. Timofei Gruzd is a winner of the Crimea championship for Thai boxing, champion of the open tournament of the Makhno fighting club, the champion of the Crimea Championship in K-1.

Where to find a fighting club Legion»?
The club is located in Yevpatoria at the address: st. International, 117 (entrance from international). Everyone can go to the club, chat with a coach, discuss all the conditions and finally bring his life or the life of their favorite child to sports.