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Playkot – company games, description and history Playkot

List of online game Playkot. All information about the developer/publisher. The most famous studio projects.


Playkot is a studio from St. Petersburg, specializing in the development of games for social networks and mobile applications. The company was founded in 2009, and the former employee of Gazprom Alexander Pavlov was one of its co -founders.

As Alexander himself recalls, although the company initially took the correct course, the first steps were full of problems – the first programmer hired by the studio was dismissed without working out and a week later, the only professional game designer left the team. The first game of the company was released on the VKontakte platform and was called “Sportsille”. Although she did not bring the studio of grandiose success and is generally evaluated as a failure, Playkot had the first source of constant income, and many achievements from this application can be found in subsequent projects of the company.

But the second game of the company, “Club Life”, which came out in the same VK, has become a great success. In the very first months, its online reached 2 million 300 thousand gamers. In 2011, another well -known play of a St. Petersburg company called the Settlement was launched. Nevertheless, the main event that year for the studio was the release of the Uziti urban planning simulator, which, as of 2018, remains one of the main projects of the St. Petersburg team.

In the same year, Playkot decided to try their strength outside social networks and released several games for mobile phones, the most noticeable of which was Farkle – a gambling simulator with bones. However, games for social platforms remained a leading direction in the company's activities. So, in 2011, another game for VKontakte was released – the tropical strategy “Fire Line”.

In 2012, another very successful game of the company was released – the medieval strategy of Knights, which this time reached the new browser format for the company. The decision not to tie the game to a particular platform to her benefit-in total about 9 and a half million players from around the world played it.

In 2014, part of the studio games was re -released on Facebook. In addition, in the same year, the futuristic strategy of the Titans, dedicated to the battles of huge walking combat robots, was published. In 2015, the studio released the rethinking of the ideas of the Fire Lines called Tropicstorm.

In 2016, the company published a fantasy mobile MMORPG with KKI elements called Age of Magic. In the period from 2017 to 2018, the company was mainly engaged in the transfer of its Hedliner Hedliner to mobile platforms and almost did not produce new projects. As of 2018, the staff of the Russian company grew to 117 people, and its products are well acquainted not only by Russian gamers, but also to lovers of relatively defective games from around the world.


Titans is a post -apocalyptic strategy for socialists from the Russian company Playkot, almost completely dedicated to the kneads of huge combat robots

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Look at all sports shops Planet Sport in the city of Irkutsk, sports shops. Addresses, phones, working hours, reviews.

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Petersburger Ivan Kakovsky became the seven -time champion of Russia in Snuker – Sports – News of St. Petersburg.

Petersburger Ivan Kakovsky became the seven -time champion of Russia in Snuker's double success of the Petersburger Ivan Kakovsky on December 17, the Russian championship in the snooker, which was held in Tyumen.

Petersburger Ivan Kakovsky became the seven -time champion of Russia in Snuker

The double success of the Petersburger Ivan Kakovsky ended on December 17, the Russian Championship in Snuker, which was held in Tyumen. In total, 30 people took part in the struggle in the discipline “1 Red”.

Photo: Federation of billiard sports of St. Petersburg

Kakovsky and Andrey Karasov went to the final. Thus, recent partners in the Russian national team at the Euro 2021 team came together in the decisive match. Permyak began the meeting very well and constantly led in the account, and Karasov's advantage reached 54 points. Ivan gradually caught up with his opponent and at some point intercepted the initiative. The final account of the meeting is 150: 99.

1st place: Ivan Kakovsky (St. Petersburg)

2nd place: Andrey Karasov (Perm)

3-4th place: Artem Istomin (New Urengoy) and Andrey Gladik (Moscow)

The classic snooker discipline “15 Reds” gathered 33 participants. Here Kakovsky also reached the final without any problems. In the final, the first issue of the Russian snooker completely dominated his opponent – Kirill Zhizdyuk. For an hour and a half, Ivan designed his seventh championship.

“There is always motivation. In addition, the victory in the Russian championship provides sponsorship from the Federation for a year – paying trips to international tournaments. He played, however, not for his best game. Both tournaments. In 15 red ones it’s not bad, but I can better, and Canon is not my profile at all, so I won well. It was not even the victory itself that was important for me, but the goals that the coach set before me: at the group stage, try to play a maximum through a black ball, and in the Olympic there is no party. He lost the party and did not work out in the series group. Therefore, he did not fulfill the goal, but was not particularly upset. It is difficult to maintain the equally high level of the game, ”the athlete said.

Interview with Ivan, read on Fontanka.

Photo: Federation of billiard sports of St. Petersburg

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Comments (5)

I continue to read the Irving Stone Origin. So there, Darwin, practically forces his wife, mother .. eight or nine (I don’t remember) children, sell family porcelain to buy .. a billiard table!) Although they have a lot of thousand pounds! Darwin is a miserable stingy! ) It seems to me that the billiards are the sport that you need to have time to quit on time ..)

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Loga Park in the old village of Rostov region – a revived fairy tale

The most fabulous park of the entire Rostov region, Park Loga in the old village is a place to visit. What can be seen here and how to get, read here

Loga Park in the old village of Rostov region – a revived fairy tale

Natalia 3 804 0 Rostov region how to get, nature
Article published: Last update:


Returning from the holiday of winemaking and viticulture Donskaya vine in x. Pukhlyakovsky, we decided on the way to call in the old village-a small settlement in the immediate vicinity of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. It would seem, what could be remarkable, an ordinary village, of which hundreds in the Rostov region? And it is notable for the unusual fairy -tale park Log.

The glory of this park has long stepped beyond the Rostov region. Therefore, when planning a trip to M4 to Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar Territory or Crimea, be sure to look into this amazing park. What for? Read further, you will understand everything! 😉

A few words about the old village

The old village is a small farm in the Rostov region with a population of about 8.5 thousand people.

The first settlement on the left bank of the Seversky Donets arose in 1671. He was called the village of Kamenskaya. But the spring floods constantly flooded the gentle left bank and the stanitsye eventually moved to the bugrous right bank. So the city of Kamensk arose, and the village of Kamenskaya itself became called simply – the old village.

Entrance at the entrance to the old village

Entrance at the entrance to the old village

Every year, a small village is noticeably transformed. One has only to turn off the M4 “Don” in the direction of the old village, and immediately catches the eye that all electric and telephone pillars are painted in the color of the Russian tricolor. And there is no particular garbage on the streets, the houses are all neat.

But, of course, the very bright pearl of the village is currently Park Loga – an unimaginable fairy tale of the Rostov steppes.

Excursions in Rostov-on-Don

The story of the creation of the park in the old village. A little about the author

The idea of ​​creating a park belongs to the local entrepreneur Sergei Alexandrovich Kushnarenko.

He grew up with an ordinary rural boy in a working family. Enthusiastically helped parents on the household. Loved in childhood to be in the den. From the memoirs of Sergey Alexandrovich: “We spent free time in childhood in the logs. So called the most beautiful and picturesque place in the old village, where all the inhabitants of the farm gathered on May Day and Victory Day. We had our own friendly company of 15 people. After school, throwing his briefcases home, we ran there, built dugouts, climbed trees, played football. Thus, childhood and youth flew quietly. ”

Over time, the boy grew up. Army, service in border worshipers, many years of searching for oneself in the profession. Who was he just not: a loader, a mason, and a mechanic.He sold vegetables, distilled cars for sale, and in the 90s purely accidentally engaged in his own paintwork.

S.A. Kushnarenko - author and creator of Park Log

S.A. Kushnarenko – author of Park Loga

Everything that Sergei Alexandrovich is taken for, he is trying to do in good faith for people.

Now he is a successful entrepreneur, director of the prestige large paints and varnishes. At the factory, which can also be seen in the old village, 700 types of products and the same number of packaging materials are produced. 550 people work in production, for whom Sergei Alexandrovich created the most comfortable conditions: spacious cabins, flowers, trees planted in a ruler, lawns, own sports complex, pool, dining room. According to the entrepreneur himself, a person works better when creating comfortable working conditions. The way it is. Production is growing, and the village is becoming more beautiful every year.

The idea of ​​creating a park in logs originated in S.A. Kushnarenko back in the 90s. When the local authorities began to take a fee for garbage collection, a picturesque logist was simply overwhelmed with household waste. A real spontaneous landfill was formed. Sergei Alexandrovich decided to correct the situation. At first, along with the workers of their enterprise, they took out garbage, cut down with dry, and on weekends arranged picnics with barbecue in nature. Then the first gazebo and two paths appeared – from the author’s house in the logs to the house of his son. Over time, the territory was gradually landscaped. Sergei Alexandrovich himself came up with how to organize a particular site. “It’s simple like a drug,” hesitates more and more. New projects and plans are born every day – says the author.

The park was opened for visitors in 2012, and work on landscaping and landscaping did not stop for a day. He still continues to grow and delight tourists and residents of the village with new miracles.

Interesting fact! A.S. Kushnarenko is also the creator of the stele and the monument to the Cossack and the Cossack at the entrance to the village.

Rent a car

Loga Park in the old village

The modern park of the old village occupies an area of ​​16 hectares, where on every meter of the earth you will find bright unusualness. Already at the entrance, guests are greeted with bread and salt Cossack with a Cossack, everywhere greens, flowers, unusual sculptures. Even urns and lampposts are decorated with funny trees. There is its puzzle and a pond tortoise tortilla, and Emeline a stove, there are funny attractions, and marvelous animals and birds, and equipped places for a picnic, where anyone can come completely and comfortably rest.

However, it is better, as they say, to see once 😉

From the parking lot it is clear that we have before us the famous Loga Park

Already from the parking lot it is clear that we have the famous Park Loga. Everywhere there is a big construction

At the entrance they meet a Cossack with a Cossack

At the entrance they meet a Cossack with a Cossack

For its picturesque, the park in the old village is called little Switzerland

For its picturesque, the park in the old village is called little Switzerland

Everywhere paths, flower beds, flower beds

Everywhere paths, flower beds, flower beds

And the trees here grow so outlandish. Well, for example, spruce, birch and pink tree

And the trees here grow so outlandish.Well, for example, spruce, birch and pink tree

Deer, moose, wild boars, wolves “live” here. As if only now they ran out of the forest

And here the cat catches fish

And here the cat catches fish

There are a lot of fish in the ponds. All colorful

There are a lot of fish in the ponds. All colorful

A small pond, willow, arbor.

Small pond, willow, gazebo …

And here is the fabulous lake of Torlill Turtles

And here is the fabulous lake of Torlill Turtles

On the bridge, each column is decorated with an unusual figure

On the bridge, each column is decorated with an unusual figure

And here is the owner of the waters of sea, river and pond

And here is the owner of the waters of sea, river and pond

Do these heroes not remind you of anyone? In my opinion, we have already met them here (click on the picture)

Do these heroes do not remind you of anyone? In my opinion, we have already met them here (click on the picture)

There is a Loga and the present in the Park of the Loga. At the entrance, outlandish trees are greeted

There is a Loga and the present in the Park of the Loga. At the entrance, outlandish trees are greeted

Not without a cat

Not without a cat

Mysterious creatures are everywhere

Mysterious creatures are everywhere

So the stump lurked on the edge of the waterfall

So the stump lurked on the edge of the waterfall

And here is a pig with a gnome

And here is a pig with a gnome

The animals are unprecedented, but ordinary people in the mirrors of marvelous are reflected

The animals are unprecedented, but ordinary people in the mirrors of marvelous are reflected

And here Baba Yaga with her friend Koshchei sits at the hut, waits for naughty children :)

And here Baba Yaga with her friend Koshchei sits at the hut, waits for naughty children 🙂

The hut of the lumberjack is guarded

The hut of the lumberjack is guarded

What about a fairy tale without a waybill?

What about a fairy tale without a waybill?

And the Russian hero was not deprived of attention

And the Russian hero was not deprived of attention

And the waters and the miracle-shoulder with the clock of the overseas

And the waters and the miracle-shoulder with the clock of the overseas

Storks on a tree are sitting

Storks on a tree are sitting

But the eagle on the stone sat down and the waterfall turned out

But the eagle on the stone sat down and the waterfall turned out

Everything is marvelous here! Even urns!

Everything is marvelous here! Even urns!

There are living inhabitants in the park

There are living inhabitants in the park

Handsome pheasants pace through the territory

Handsome pheasants pace through the territory

They live here well! And besides the pheasants of swans, ducks, chickens, deer.

They live here well! And besides pheasants swans, ducks, chickens, deer …

The train will carry through the entire park

The train will carry through the entire park

You can admire lilies in the pond

You can admire lilies in the pond

Signs help to preserve this amazing beauty

Signs help to preserve this amazing beauty

Here is another

All buildings in the park are also fabulous

All buildings in the park are also fabulous

Playground without a gram of plastic

Playground without a gram of plastic

Well, of course, the power zone. Here for example a restaurant ' тетерев''='

Well, of course, the power zone. For example, the restaurant Teterev

Samuquer-codge so that they do not pass by. Yes, and do not pass. Such aromas. Mmmm.

Samuquer-codge so that they do not pass by. Yes, and you will not pass … such aromas … mmmm …

Here the chefs are conjured by young cooks

Here the chefs are conjured by young cooks

And then marvelous dishes in restaurants are served

And then marvelous dishes in restaurants are served

That's who knows what kind of salad is a wonderful adjapsandal or shakar?

That's who knows what kind of salad is a wonderful adjapsandal or shakar?

Well, what is easy to guess here :)

Well, what is easy to guess here 🙂

Come to this amazing, magical park - Loga Park!

Come to this amazing, fairy -tale park – Loga Park!

And this is far from all the picturesque corners that can be found here. Truly real little Switzerland, a real fairy -tale country, where it is good and comfortable for both children and adults.

And in the author’s head there are still many interesting ideas and projects. And who knows, maybe tomorrow you will see completely different logs, and maybe over time this fairy -tale park will become a real tourist center of the Rostov region, included in the programs of numerous routes along the endless cowers of the Don.

How to get to Log Park?

As I wrote above, there is a park in the old village next to Kamensky-Shakhtinsky, on the left bank of the Seversky Donets.

By car

You can get to the Log Park along the M4 Don highway. Without reaching the bridge over Seversky Donets, turn along the sign to the right (when driving from Moscow in the direction of Rostov-on-Don), then right on the street. Budyonny to the turn from the street. Bolshevik. A few more meters and you are already at the entrance.

Public transport

First you need to get to the Kamenskaya station.There is a direct train from Rostov-on-Don, as well as through Kamenskaya, all trains south of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Minsk, Arkhangelsk and other cities pass through Kamenskaya.

At the station, look for a bus of route No. 25. He will take you to the old village.

You can also get to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky by bus. Any route to Rostov-on-Don passes through Kamensk along the M4 Don highway. At the bus station, you need to find a bus number 25 or a taxi.

That's all. When planning a trip to M4, do not be too lazy to look into the old village, in the amazing and fairy -tale park Loga.

“Everyone must create beauty around him. If you earn decent money in Russia, then do at least something good for your homeland. ” – calls Sergey Alexandrovich Kushnarenko. There would be more such wonderful people who love their country and everything that surrounds them and then our Russia will become even more beautiful. Bright emotions from your travels 😉

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Opinions about Pink UP gel top coat

Hello! Many months ago, out of interest, I covered my toenails and fingernails with gel myself, but I think many will understand me when I say that going to the master is easier (and faster, so …

Pink UP gel top coat – reviews

Reviews of Pink UP gel top coat

A wide selection of shades from the manufacturer, affordable cost, coating quality, texture and color reproduction.

Hello! Many months ago, out of interest, I covered my toenails and fingernails with gel myself, but I think many will understand me when I say that going to the master is easier (and faster, yes.

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My wife likes it, she sees the effect of the gel coating

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Discussion of broadcasts on television

Biathlon news. Biathlon World Cup Schedule. Olympic Games 2018 in Pyeongchang. Results, broadcasts.

Discussion of broadcasts on television

A lot of fans are now asking the question – will we see biathlon on our TV screens? We answer – we will see, but unfortunately not in the form in which we would like. Unlike last year, only one TV channel will broadcast the races, namely the First National. Not all broadcasts will be live, for example, this week the individual races will be shown only the next day, the pursuit races in the editing in the evening and we will see only the sprints live, although not at first. In addition to the First National Biathlon, it can also be seen on Eurosport and the German ZDF (satellite). And of course there will be video broadcasts via the Internet organized by the International Biathlon Union for owners of good Internet channels.

Why is there only one channel left? On the Internet we found the following information:
Megasport – the Inter media group (which owns this TV channel) changed its frequency, exchanging it with one soapy TV channel, so now Megasport is available only in 13 large cities and their satellites. This situation is probably not conducive to the emergence of TV sponsors.
Sport 1 – I could not find a common language with cable operators due to the amount of deductions (primarily from Volya-cable) and went from cable to satellite, where, as you understand, the number of subscribers will not allow you to purchase broadcasts.

print version
2008-12-14 20:37 See the profile

Can anyone explain to this Tymoshenko that Medvedtseva is Pyleva? otherwise he was already tired with his comments: Showed up not long ago, Insufficiently informed, etc.

Yep, that's it. Killed the phrase about the day to see on such a level. A young man, Olga Medvedtseva, who bore the name Pyleva, was an Olympic champion back in Salt Lake City in 2002, and she has enough experience at that level! The athlete returned after a 2-year disqualification and the birth of a child, she has a very difficult sports fate. Once again, I advise you to think what you say!
And do not confuse Henkel with Beck several times until it became clearly noticeable. I see that there are improvements in the pronunciation of the name of the French biathlete Brunet. This is a positive moment.

The Ut-1 commentator said several times that Derkach ran 3 penalty loops and called Canada Switzerland. But he is forgiven. 🙂

2008-12-14 20:52 See the profile

How nice to read qualified comments on the forum! There remains a hope, however weak, that the functionaries of the Ut-1 channel also read them and draw conclusions in relation to the training of commentators.

2008-12-14 21:50 See the profile And I watched the biathlon on RTV-2 Slovenia – they showed this stage in full live, I don’t know how about the next one.
Commentators, compared to ut1, there are not enough words (I understand a little in Slovenian) ..
it is heaven and earth.
2008-12-14 23:35 See the profile I didn’t look at UT 1 today, but judging by your reviews, yesterday’s day continues (yesterday he called Bucholz to be sure and waited all the time for Vita Semerenko at the finish line). But I watched Eurosport, so there, too, pearls were given out by a commentator like I look Ukraine is also in a good place, which means Derkach successfully passed his stage (this is with 2 penalty loops then) then he confused the Frenchwoman several times with ours, Sedneva called Prima p-truth then corrected himself when he saw the last name on next frontier. But all the same, it’s interesting to watch them and they are not obliged to report on our athletes, so thanks to Eurosport for this and for the live broadcast
2008-12-15 00:16 See the profile Cool thread for those who don't know:
2008-12-15 00:28 See the profile Cool topic if anyone doesn't know: sultpanel/resultpanel800.html
Oh yes, raise your hand, who on this site does not know this link)
2008-12-15 00:55 See the profile Cool thread for those who don't know: sultpanel/resultpanel800.html
so I’m in parallel with Eurosport and I watch both data centers, but it’s still more interesting to watch on TV, so I sometimes watch in reruns, otherwise when I’m worried about the live broadcast and I watch it on my computer and it’s distracting on TV does not apply to UT1 – this channel can only be watched with stograms and a voice recorder so that they can then send them the nonsense they said)
2008-12-15 09:27 See the profile In my opinion, the commentator called Christoph Stefan a doubtful participant in the relay. well, then Prima, and Shipulin and many others can also be called such. :)))
2008-12-15 12:17 See the profile What to talk about. If we say about Pyleva (now Medvedtsev) that she lacks experience, there is nowhere to go, it can't get any worse. Maybe they (Channel One) send links, they know how to read.
2008-12-15 15:10 See the profile 2 MrVisual
And why was the Eurosport channel removed from the broadcasts of the Hochfilzen stage, will they really not broadcast?
2008-12-15 16:32 See the profile there will be of course and several repetitions there will be a program for several weeks in advance there is on the Eurosport website
2008-12-15 16:35 See the profile 2 Nikolay
yes, I already looked at what they will be, it’s just strange that they took it from this site
2008-12-15 16:57 See the profile I’ve been watching biathlon for more than 10 years, but I haven’t heard worse comments than on ut-1! It was better on Megasport – people corrected themselves, tried, listened. This weekend I wanted to cry from these snatches, not broadcasts! People, biathlon is interesting for its development, dynamics , changes, we love him for this! It seems that the commentators themselves do not know what they are talking about! Give a normal broadcast or do not show at all!
2008-12-15 17:37 See the profile

yes, I already looked at what they will be, it’s just strange that they took it from this site

they were not taken away, but initially broadcasts were set only for the first 2 stages

2008-12-15 17:41 See the profile

The commentators are still okay, but the broadcast is 30 minutes. It is not possible to watch it. Fragments showed and brag; Watch the biathlon at the First National

2008-12-15 18:07 See the profile Guys on UT-1! Comment as you like (I can generally turn off the sound), but show the races not in fragments, but FULLY.
2008-12-15 20:12 See the profile

Nikon, but about the fact that they are not required to report how our athletes perform, then I do not agree. If our guys were in the leading group, then Eurosport cannot but report on them, they are obliged to do this (even if instead of Ukraine there is a Japanese team), otherwise they are non-professionals.

2008-12-15 21:29 See the profile

And this Tymoshenko can explain that Medvedtseva is Pyleva? And then he was already tired with his comments: Z'yas did not do it, disadvantage is preoccupied , etc.
Ahaha! Rzhunimagu.

2008-12-15 21:32 See the profile Well, at least that they did not say that she is the wife of the President of Russia. Thank you and that.
2008-12-15 21:36 See the profile Well, at least that they did not say that she is the wife of the President of Russia. Thank you and that.
Finally crawled under a chair.
2008-12-15 23:18 See the profile

Nikon, and about the fact that they are not obliged to report how our athletes act, here I do not agree. If our guys were in a leading group, then Eurosport cannot not report them, they must do this (even if there is a Japanese team instead of Ukraine), otherwise they are non -professional.

I did not mean when ours leads. The commentator on Eurosport periodically tells both Ukraine and Belarus and the rest of the posts. countries (maybe they know about the problems of our TV or maybe our site reads)

2008-12-15 23:25 See the profile

-And I want Pidrimati Kontrimi. Oh pardon, all bagato іnformasi, give to the cores. Khoto want that hi of the hoof to the same.

2008-12-15 23:37 See the profile

-And I want Pidrimati Kontrimi. Oh pardon, all bagato іnformasi, give to the cores. Khoto want that hi of the hoof to the same.

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News of Smolensk – MK in Smolensk

Moskovsky Komsomolets in Smolensk – all news, articles, reviews, videos.

News of Russia and the world – News portal Moskovsky Komsomolets – MK

The Russian military broke into the territory of the Azovstal plant. One of the employees of the enterprise told them about secret underground passages. A humanitarian corridor will be opened in Mariupol for three days in a row. In the Kherson region, residents began to pay salaries and pensions in rubles. The Estonian diplomat announced the preparation of the seventh package of anti-Russian sanctions, which will take into account all sectors of the economy. In Bulgaria, there was a mass brawl between pro-Russian residents of the republic and Ukrainians.

The association of Smolensk builders invited the head of the regional department to a meeting of the Board

Vladimir Pakhomov, editor-in-chief of the Gramota ru portal, met with Smolensk residents

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Zelensky's office threatened with a counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in July

Rimas Tuminas called his conversation with pranksters an abomination

“I was left alone among the“ two hundredth ”: a fighter of the LPR described the battles near Rubizhno

Plot Photo 14809

Sharia's wife reacted to the news about her husband's extradition with a prison song

Singer Aziza decided to talk about the difficulties of conquering show business

Ukraine: special operation

The head of the European Council announced the impossibility of abandoning Russian gas

It became known about the destruction in Mariupol of the psychologist of the regiment Azov

“What headquarters of the Russian General Staff can be in combat positions ?!”

Only in MK

DPR soldier spoke about the attempts of militants to escape from Azovstal

Participants in the navigation rally pleased the inhabitants of Smolensk with unusual cars

The siege of the territory of the Azovstal enterprise in Mariupol by Russian troops and military personnel of the People's Militia of the DPR continues. The Russian side has repeatedly offered the Azov militants (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation. – MK) to lay down their arms, but they continue to hide in the dungeons, holding civilians. At the same time, it is not clear what the militants are counting on. A DPR soldier with the call sign Sitkh told MK what is happening now on the territory of the plant.

Roll Right: which cars are quoted in the Far East

Putin's decree planted a gas bomb under Europe

The decree on counter-sanctions, signed by Vladimir Putin on May 3 and already in force, will allow Russia to legally stop gas supplies to countries that refuse the ruble settlement scheme proposed by the Kremlin and continue to pay in euros. The document expressly prohibits the fulfillment of contractual obligations to companies from the black list.

The Far East is the territory of right -hand drive cars. And to make sure of this, it is enough in Khabarovsk to look out the window overlooking the roadway. I assure you that of the ten cars, at least seven will turn out to be Japanese production, a couple more - “Chinese” or “Koreans”, and only one domestic production, and not a fact.

Russians began to buy dollars in exchange offices at a predatory rate

In Russian exchangers – new trends. Russians are bringing smaller and smaller dollar and euro bills there, and they are buying up foreign currency from citizens at ever more extortionate rates. Economist Igor Nikolaev explained how to competently act now with the purchase and sale of currency, and we scouted the situation in exchange offices.

ALOSIC question: How not to go broke with a mortgage?

Russian clubs were restored in the Champions League, but in another

Ideas for making life in Russia are better than born not rarely

The donation of the organs comes out of the shadow: the highest echelons of the authorities became interested in the issue

Experts: labeling products with excess of BJU and minerals must be made mandatory

Elevator safety: how to accelerate the modernization of lifts in apartment buildings

Everyone says

Putin was sent a proposal to exchange hostages for Azovstali for food

Guzeeva sharply answered the critics of her departure to Bulgaria: On Kochan

Experts: labeling products with excess of BJU and minerals must be made mandatory

The plot photo is 8406


Veniamin Potapov: The offer of the Smolensk builders will receive support at the federal level

Russians explained the rules of travel of intersections

In the Russian Federation, the XXI All -Russian Congress of Self -Regulatory Organizations of the Construction industry was held. On April 12, 209 delegates gathered in Moscow with a decisive vote from regional SROs. In total, over three hundred representatives of self -regulatory organizations, executive bodies, guests and journalists took part in the forum.

Smolensk governor and Roslavl farmer: a look at the results of 10 years

Two five -year planes Ostrovsky: 1.8 times increased the entry of housing for Smolyans

The one who cannot be called: the president of Ukraine will change the name and surname

“Space Flight” united Smolensk, Kursk and Rostov-on-Don for two hours

Free topic

Biden's strategy consists in dividing the world into two parts

The anger of the day

Disputes around the exam: why do young people support, and the old people do not like

Photo reports

Ukraine gets rid of the Soviet and Russian past: photos of dismantled monuments

12 Gallery of the day 3238

Urgant answered the desire to spit Boyakov in him: a gallery of quarreling

The Army of China surprised the Hollywood personnel of the military training

Singer Adele celebrates the 34th anniversary: ​​frames from the life of a star

Bright transformations of foreign celebrities: cadres of miracles of plastic surgery

Trusov is suspected of a novel with another skater: Photo of a beauty

Buinov, Tarzan, Queen gave a concert for veterans of the Moscow Region: Feasted Feasts

Maidanov, Zara, Gazmanov, Leshchenko: gallery of artists from the patriotic list

93 years since the birth of Audrey Hepburn: Gallery of Legends of World Cinema

The first head of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich died: the latest photos of politics

Sergey Lazarev decided to suspend his career: the singer gallery

Kirkorov was produced for the support of Pugacheva and Galkin: shocking pop-ups

Bella Hadid, Gwen Stefani: Stars showed strange outfits on Met Gala-2022

Place of death of Bodrov and stone crypts: bewitching photos of North Ossetia

The pacifying beauty of Kabardino-Balkaria: Gallery of Mountain Landscapes

Muslims are celebrated by Uraza-Bayram: personnel of believers in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque

Defeated Zagitova, left sports at 19: Sofya Samodurova ended her career

David Beckham is 47 years old: vivid images of football legends and style icons

Shots of the burning house of trade unions in Odessa: the perpetrators remained unpunished

Angelina Jolie in Ukraine: Shots of a risky trip


What is the rate of the General Staff of Russia in combat positions?!

In the official dealerships of Lexus, spare parts ended: wait until the fall

The US National Security Council (SNB) sharply put the New York Times journalists, who, citing White House officials, said the Pentagon handed over the armed forces of Ukraine (Armed Forces) of intelligence, allegedly allowed Ukrainians to destroy the Russian mobile headquarters with senior military. In Washington, they hastened to name the publication irresponsible. But the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, on the contrary, quite definitely spoke out for the help of the United States to Ukraine intelligence.

False charm: what is worth flirting the West with Ukrainian nationalists

Peskov commented on the move of Chubais to Israel

Vucich said that Putin's statement complicated the situation of Serbia

Azovstal militants offered to exchange civilians for medicines and products


Gazprom found a new purpose for North Stream-2

The economist told what the abandonment of Russian oil threatens Europe

Brand departure led to a mass sale of shopping centers in Russia

At zero: Italian resorts are poor due to the lack of Russian tourists

Economist Koltashov predicted the future of the Russian ruble

Economics in the region

Smolensk Regional Headquarters on Economics discussed the state of affairs in livestock farming

14 Smolensk social enterprises received grants

The association of the Smolensk builders invited the head of the regional department to a meeting of the board

Auto -glance

There should be a lot of good: test drive VW TERAMONT against Mazda CX–9

Is it worth using the restored, back or printed auto parts 3D printer

Why do experienced motorists buy Silicagel balls every spring


Ferses of the week: Sobchak became a coach, and the ex-wife of Chekhova spoke about the friendship of children from various marriages

“I love tsatski, gold, clothes”: Kirkorov rolled up the grandiose celebration of the 55th anniversary

Are not subject to adjustment: the signs of the zodiac who are not ready to change even for the sake of love


The night rehearsal of the parade by May 9 was held on Red Square: Video

01:43 Video of the day 471

There was a bank with a cash currency reserve: video from exchangers

Bayden at the meeting asked not to jump in paralympic-bunkers

Military aircraft on rehearsals of the Victory Parade released a tricolor

In the industrial zone of Dzerzhinsk, a tank with a solvent caught fire: Epic video

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published personnel shooting shots of self -propelled guns Malka

A high -rise building caught fire in Mytishchi, three were killed: a fire video

In Ukraine, a passenger bus collided with a fuel truck: video

The Ministry of Defense showed the bombing shots on the positions of the Armed Forces: Video

A resident of Noginsk told how saved two kids after falling from the 6th floor

The ruins of the city of Popasnaya in the LPR were shot on video

In Bogorodsky, the warehouse of the publishing house Enlightenment lit up: video extinguishing

In Albania, the bus got into an accident and became a bridge over the river

Private houses in Rubezhnoy destroyed to the base: shots from the LPR

In Moscow, rescuers took out a half-naked grief of a pier from the river: video

Mass detentions for protests in Yerevan were shot on video

Angelina Jolie came to Lviv: she was shot on video by visitors to the coffee shop

In Paris, May Day demonstrations ended with clashes with the police: video

Parties of the Pervomaisian rally talked about the enemies of Russia: Video

In Moscow, a record growth of barbecue set was recorded: video


The famous obstetrician-gynecologist performed suicide after a conflict with the authorities

Spare parts deficiency, problem with insurance: what is happening in Russian car services

A 50-year-old specialist retroductologist died on Wednesday afternoon in the southwest of Moscow. Presumably, we are talking about suicide.

The reason for the accident is named in Protvin, where the biker and daughter crashed

The American aircraft carrier shed light on the mysterious suicides

In the underground premises, Azovstal can hold over 200 civilians

The punitive detachment of the SBU entered the village near Kharkov

Incidents in the region

Yartsevites will pay 70,000 rubles for the discrediting of Russian troops

Smolensk sappers again destroy ammunition from the war

In Vyazma, the conflict of neighbors ended with the murder

The most readable

Mash: a woman who came out with Azovstali looks like a famous Ukrainian sniper

The general director of the resort Krasnaya Polyana Andrei Krukovsky died

The Russians began to buy dollars in exchangers at the robbery exchange rate

The Far East is the territory of right -hand drive cars. And to make sure of this, it is enough in Khabarovsk to look out the window overlooking the roadway. I assure you that of the ten cars, at least seven will turn out to be Japanese production, a couple more - “Chinese” or “Koreans”, and only one domestic production, and not a fact.

Gazprom announced the termination of Germany Reverses of Gas to Poland

Ukrainian refugees were ordered to leave the Bulgarian resorts until the end of May

JP: Israel will change positions in Ukraine after Lavrov’s statement


Urgant boldly answered the prominent to spit it to the director Boyakov

On which carriers will have to leave sanctions

In early April, the Russian director Eduard Boyakov spoke harshly to the TV presenter Ivan Urgant, promising to spit him at a meeting. Subsequently, it turned out that the director was misled by a fake about the alleged act from the showman.

Chubais flew to Israel

Urgant who left Russia decided to earn money in Europe

The nutritionist named products that help lower blood sugar levels

Hello from the dashing of the 90s: a Russian woman described a vacation in Abkhazia

Society in the region

In Roslavl, they praised the role of parents in the fate of the police

Alexey Ostrovsky appreciated the work of the technical school of industry technologies

41 people were hospitalized in the Smolensk region with a diagnosis of Covid-19

Wounded teenager on the hunt is saved by metropolitan doctors

In Udmurtia, the hunting animals were recalculated

Vobla went to Astrakhan

Caricatures of Alexei Merinov

Coercion to a feast

No words

Monsters of evil rock


Compulsion to feast

No Words

No Words

No Words

Anger Every Day


The Tale of the Fake Man

No Words

No Words

The Tale of the Fake Man

Doom Monsters

Doom Monsters

Cult of Cash

Anger Every Day

Doom Monsters

Anger Every Day


The festival Moscow Spring takes place on the streets and squares of the capital

 The authors

Fountains started working in Moscow: how they are being prepared for the new season

Sergei Sobyanin awarded citizens – winners of the Beijing Olympics

The territory of New Moscow will be equipped with new fire stations

The Chief Rabbi of Moscow left the capital

Moscow region

In the suburbs arranged the registration of marriage by helicopter

What is the rate of the General Staff of Russia in combat positions?!

Residents of Reutov were surprised by the invasion of crayfish on land

The forester accused a resident of the Volokolamsk region of ruining an anthill with an ATV

Andrey Vorobyov: Every life you save is very important

Bremen musicians will ride around the Moscow region to applause

MK in the regions

In Crimea, a teacher was fired for being indignant at the letter Z on a schoolgirl's clothes

Rimas Tuminas called his conversation “abominability” with prankers

“Come, I’m killing him”: for which a pensioner from Sebezh almost scalped her son

Russians urged to prepare for cholera outbreak

Why did the leader of the world proletariat never once visit the Crimean land during his lifetime?

Deputies having problems with the law destabilize the work of the Alapaevsk City Duma


Morozov's collection stuck in Europe will be shown in Moscow

Putin was sent a proposal to exchange hostages for Azovstali for food

The Morozov collection returned to Russia. Masterpieces from the collections of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum were brought from Paris in parts. It took 15 flights in total. The first went home on April 14, that is, immediately after the completion of the exhibition at the Louis Vuitton Foundation. The last batch of masterpieces reached Russia on May 2. A few more days later, all the exhibits reached their museums.

The Arabesque international competition was held despite international circumstances

Named a replacement for Kirkorov in case of his departure from Russia

Gogol Center may be liquidated

It became known how the tombstone on the grave of Vladimir Etush will look like

Culture in the region

Fatal Passions returned to Smolensk

Exhibition The most beautiful places in Smolensk

On May 30, Yuri Bashmet and his ensemble will perform in Smolensk

Roskomnadzor demanded that Google restore access to the “First Russian National TV Channel”.

Subscribe to MK publications

The science

Cosmonaut Wagner, who became a hero of Russia: I've been waiting for my flight for 9.5 years

The details of the first Soviet bombardment of Berlin are disclosed

Vladimir Putin conferred the title of Hero of Russia on cosmonaut Ivan Vagner. One of the first to congratulate the cosmonaut on the high award was MK. We contacted the space explorer to express our admiration for Ivan.

The RAS called the consequences of blocking the Web of Science database

Scientists have proposed highlighting aircraft to understand the degree of their icing

Professor Pokrovsky assessed the danger of infection with prehistoric viruses from glaciers

Archaeologists have found an ancient mosaic that may reveal part of the ancient history of Cyprus


Oh, sport – you are a special military operation

Memory of Vladimir Bazarny

Pressure in the pipe and on the pipe

Daikhatsu Feroza, revenge for the owner

Soloviev talked


Russian clubs were restored in the Champions League, but in another

The wounds named the consequences of blocking the Web of Science database

The news that you do not expect: the Russian Gazprom clubs from Orenburg and the UMMC from the Sverdlovsk region are restored in the European Champions League of the season-2021/22 among table tennis teams. This decision was adopted by the appellate commission of the European Table Tennis Union (ETTU), and now, in theory, all the results of the already completed tournament should be revised. “MK-Sport”-about whether it was worth rejoicing, because there were already precedents, but nothing good happened.

A sports lawyer appreciated the restoration of Russian clubs in the Champions Table Tennis League

“The matter is not only in Ukraine” – the US NOC demands to punish Russia

Bwalwo can defeat Canelo, but the judges will not give the victory of Dmitry

Two German top brands come to Formula 1 at once, but not today

Sport in the region

Smolensk diamonds began the festival of the Night Hockey League from Victory

May 5 in the center of Smolensk will take place Victory Relay

Participants in the navigation rally pleased the inhabitants of Smolensk with unusual cars

Roll Right: which cars are quoted in the Far East

 Guests MK

The Far East is the territory of right -hand drive cars. And to make sure of this, it is enough in Khabarovsk to look out the window overlooking the roadway. I assure you that of the ten cars, at least seven will turn out to be Japanese production, a couple more – “Chinese” or “Koreans”, and only one domestic production, and not a fact.

Russians explained the rules of travel of intersections

In the official dealerships of Lexus, spare parts ended: wait until the fall

Spare parts deficiency, problem with insurance: what is happening in Russian car services

On which carriers will have to leave sanctions

The authors

What is the rate of the General Staff of Russia in combat positions?!

Rimas Tuminas called his conversation “abominability” with prankers

Putin was sent a proposal to exchange hostages for Azovstali for food

Roskomnadzor demanded that Google restore access to the “First Russian National TV Channel”.

The details of the first Soviet bombardment of Berlin are disclosed

The wounds named the consequences of blocking the Web of Science database

Guests MK

Show business news: what will happen next?

On Thursday, May 5 at 15.30, the MK press center will be held an online conference on events in Russian show business.

Press Center

Air Board news: how and where to fly

On Thursday, April 28, at 12.00 the MK press center was held an online conference on the future of the Russian airline.

Work vs unemployment, we analyze the situation in the labor market

On Tuesday, April 26, at 12.00 the MK press center was held an online conference on unemployment in Russia.


Oh, sport – you are a special military operation

Memory of Vladimir Bazarny

Pressure in the pipe and on the pipe

Daikhatsu Feroza, revenge for the owner

Soloviev talked


Russian clubs were restored in the Champions League, but in another

The news that you do not expect: the Russian Gazprom clubs from Orenburg and the UMMC from the Sverdlovsk region are restored in the European Champions League of the season-2021/22 among table tennis teams. This decision was adopted by the appellate commission of the European Table Tennis Union (ETTU), and now, in theory, all the results of the already completed tournament should be revised. “MK-Sport”-about whether it was worth rejoicing, because there were already precedents, but nothing good happened.

A sports lawyer appreciated the restoration of Russian clubs in the Champions Table Tennis League

“The matter is not only in Ukraine” – the US NOC demands to punish Russia

Bwalwo can defeat Canelo, but the judges will not give the victory of Dmitry

Two German top brands come to Formula 1 at once, but not today

Sport in the region

Smolensk diamonds began the festival of the Night Hockey League from Victory

May 5 in the center of Smolensk will take place Victory Relay

Online Betting Sites

News, State Budget Institution of the Republic of Altai

Center for State Cadastral Valuation, Gorno-Altaisk, st. Komsomolskaya 9

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Online Betting Sites

News – DK Novouralsky

DK Novouralsky


Opportunities of the Pushkin Card: buying tickets for theaters, museums, philharmonicities, cinemas, etc.

At the expense from the federal budget.

Map nominal: from January 1, 2022, the face of the Pushkin Card is 5,000 rubles.

New service from February 1, 2022: View Russian films,

created with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia or the Foundation of Cinema.

Of the five thousand rubles on the map, two thousand rubles can be spent on these targets.

How to take part in the program?

1. Register on the portal State Services.

2. Confirm the account.

3. Install the mobile application State Services. Culture.

4. Get a Pushkin card – a virtual or plastic card of the Mir payment system.

5. Choose an event from the poster in the application.

6. Buy a ticket in the application, on the site or at the cash desk of the museum.

House of Culture in every yard.

We are happy to announce our project “House of Culture in every yard”.

This is a series of yard holidays organized by the Novouralsky House of Culture.

Already during the pandemic period, we began to introduce new forms of work on open areas and now we will systematically conduct developmental and entertainment games so that all children can be present at our events, regardless of the remoteness of the region.

Concert programs, master classes, contests and games for children and family audience will be organized in the courtyards, as well as environmental actions to improve the territory, in a playful way, the guys will learn about the interaction of man and nature.

The purpose of the project: the involvement of citizens in the cultural life of Novouralsk, a record in the creative studios of the House of Culture Novouralsky.

Follow our news, very soon we are announcing the first date of the project.

A press conference dedicated to the V inter-regional competition of ballroom dancing ensembles was held in the House of Culture.

Oleg Buldakov, Alexey Dolbilin and Evgeny Ivanov talked about the creation, preparation, participants in the competition and further plans.
Is it a dear sport of ballroom dancing, when the competition acquired the status of interregional, how many numbers will see the audience,

Where the jury sits and how they evaluate the contestants is only a small share of the questions that the organizers of the competition answered.

And we remind you that you can see a competitive program and a gala concert on April 30 on the site

Tickets at the box office of the Novouralsky recreation center 3-18-33/9-44-79 or on our website.

On the site of the House of Culture Novouralsky, the XXVI city festival of creativity was held

Citizens with disabilities We can do everything!

The festival is held as part of the subprogram Youth of Novouralsk of the municipal program

The development of physical education, sports, tourism and youth policy in the territory of the Novouralsky city district.

The organizer of the festival has traditionally been the administration of the Novouralsky city district in the person

Committee on Youth, Family, Sports and Social Programs.

The festival We can do everything! I have been coordinating for 8 years, I live it! These guys and adults give me the strength to work further for many years, ”says Lyubov Pavlovna Komarova, the coordinator of the festival, a silver volunteer.

We summarize the city contest of choreographic art, which was held as part of a large review of creativity.

The award will be held on June 1 in the Central Bank.

The studio of modern dance High Energy is lucky from Moscow by the diploma of the winner of the dance league and the Cup!

Over the past weekend, the Estody Accent took part in the V Open Competition of Young Contractors Victory grandchildren.

Congratulations to the staff of the emphasis studio with the diploma of winners of the I and II degree.

The annual city competition of trade union campaigns Trade Union is always young was held in the recreation center Novouralsky. In 2022, the territorial organization of the trade union celebrates its 30th anniversary, and OKP-123 celebrates its 75th anniversary.

8 teams from city organizations took part in the competition.

The winners of the competition of the ASA from Profmassa (OKP-123) and Soyuz 48 team (MAOU Secondary School 48) will be represented by the city

At the XIII open Ural competition of trade union propaganda campaigns “Trade Unions for Decent Labor” in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Guests of the competition: Chairman of the territorial organization of the trade union of Novouralsk – Tagiltseva Irina Viktorovna

and Pinaev Alexander Petrovich Chairman OKP-123.

Jury Chairman Oleg Gennadievich Buldakov, Gennady Dmitrievich Sokolov also included the jury

and Irina Vladislavovna Zaitseva.

The presentation of the collection of poems of Novouralian poets “In the Streams of Light” was held on the stage of the Novouralsky recreation center.

This meeting has opened the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia as part of the artistic and educational project

Big family of Rosatom.

A relaxed and warm atmosphere reigned in the hall, because the native and close friends of the poets gathered. The collection includes the poems of Galina Averyanova, Nina Vidutskaya, Alexander Nikitich and Yaroslav Yurkevich.

We thank the Department of Culture of the NGO administration for the help in the implementation of the collection of poems.
Special thanks to the ideological inspirer – Elena Vikhreva for her support and enthusiasm.

The results of the city contest of pop vocals, which was held as part of a large review of creativity.
The award will be held on June 1 in the Central Bank.

In connection with the extension of the restriction on mass events, February ROC is transferred!

We will inform you about the new date of the concert additionally.
Follow our news!

All tickets purchased in advance are valid!

The Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region informs the competition for the selection of youth to encourage tourist trips to the Republic of Crimea for successes in volunteer and other socially useful activities.

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted in the automated information system Youth of Russia at the link until March 2, 2022.

All documents related to the competition are located in the AIS Youth of Russia, and are also available on the link /atyjh

What's question?

Interregional competition of ballroom dancing ensembles in KSK. Shots who did not even see the most sophisticated spectators and participants!
Great reporting of Kirill Panteleev and Channel 43.
We look, smile, remember!

Thanks to Cyril and his team, we are waiting for you again for the scenes of our events

Immortal regiment online

Friends! We are in the 1/4 finals of the musical online championship for the Cup Territory of the Rosatom Culture.

Please vote for the exit to the 1/2 finals! .
Dance League – a studio of modern dance High Energy
Vocal League – duet Andrey Maslov Dasha Koryakina
Instrumental League – Evgeny Borovkov Snowblind Vision.

We vote for our groups in every league!
To do this, follow the link,
Select the corresponding league, select the team from the proposed list and click the vote button
There are also video business cards of groups – this is very interesting! We are sure that you will open the new facets of the talent of familiar (and not very) groups of the House of Culture.

It is your voices that will help to go to the League semifinals and participate in the online battle!

The real holiday of the vocal was held on the stage of the Novouralsky recreation center (Komsomolskaya St., 14) on April 4.

We thank all participants in the city vocal contest – 2021 as part of a large review of the work of the Novouralsky city district, their leaders and the “support group” for vivid performances and a great mood!

We remind the composition of the jury:

  • Kuznetsova Elena Yuryevna, head of the troupe of MBUK TMDK NGO, chairman of the jury;
  • Merezhnikova Tatyana Fedorovna, vocal artist (soloist) MBUK TMDK NGO;
  • Zakharova Tatyana Vasilievna, artistic director of the Choir Class Style MAOU Secondary School No. 57;
  • Filchakova Victoria Ivanovna, teacher of additional education of the highest category, head of the Musical Association of MAU to “CVR”;
  • Zaitseva Tatyana Nikolaevna, chormaster of the children's musical theater Hummingbird Mauk DK Novouralsky.

The most dance event of the year! Planning right now!

Contest of ballroom dancing ensembles on April 24 in KSK.
We are pleased to report – the champions of the world and Russia – form “duet” of Perm, coaches Victor and Svetlana Kulbed, Natalya Ivanova with the new champion program will perform in the gala concert!
Phone: (343-70) 9-53-92

Choir Russian Patterns from Novouralsk on the capital show Field of Wonders

On March 28, the choir #Russians, operating on the basis of the Novouralsky recreation center, performed with a musical number at the legendary capital show #Poleschudes in the Moscow television center #Ostankino!

The artists from Otoby #Novouralsk visited the capital with the support of the Rosatom Group of Companies and the program #territory culture. And at the same time – completed a couple of intellectual tasks in the best traditions of popular television program

Croissant de Bouillon was left with a nose, and Krale – the Tsar's daughter – found a daring and young groom!

A bright spring fairy tale was written by Olga Batukhtina, and soloists, artists, collectives, managers of the recreation center Novouralsky showed it on the stage of the park!

The city greeted spring today with daring fun, sonorous songs, wide round dances!

At the beginning of the holiday, the guests of the park were greeted by Maxim Sekachev, Deputy Head of the NGO for Social Policy, Irina Shapovalova, Head of the Culture Department of the NGO Administration, and Arkady Elizarov, Director of the Rus Charitable Foundation.

We thank all the partners of the holiday who gave gifts today to the most active and lucky:
Non-profit organization Charitable Foundation Rus, director – Elizarov Arkady Dmitrievich.
Sushi Pizza FreeWay | Novouralsk
Autoshop Central
Auto-washing complex Central
Fashion store Goddess
Brain slaughterhouse in Novouralsk
Tuts-Tuts Quiz
Cinema center Neiva
Theater of Music, Drama and Comedy
Puppet theater Skaz
Store Safyan

Spring in Taraskovo 0+

The musical lounge took place in the club Jubilee with. Taraskovo. Elena Belyaeva performed popular arias from operas and operettas, songs by contemporary composers.

The audience listened to Elena Vikhreva's poems read by Olga Batukhtina. The mood and music of spring is a spiritual gift for beautiful women.

To you, beloved! 0+

#YouFavorite #Uralcongratulates
