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Who leads us to the master: Love Pronin | The newspaper Bulletin

Who leads us to the master: Love Pronin – I came to the city in 1974, ”says Lyubov Viktorovna. – Yuri Kondakov, who was part of the national team, on whom

Who leads us to the master: Love Pronin

“I arrived in the city in 1974,” says Lyubov Viktorovna. – Yuri Kondakov, who was part of the country, at which I looked with delighted eyes, was already trained here, there was a strong team of skaters, experienced coaches worked in the Sports School at the SK “Torch”: Anatoly Fedorovich Kuznetsov and Nelly Maksimovna Abashin. And I, a recent graduate of the Omsk Institute of Physical Culture, joined this strong team. The proposal to move to Sverdlovsk-45 after 2 years of work in N. Tagil seemed interesting, nature simply struck here: mountains, forests, lakes-amazing beauty!

Lyubov Pronin’s childhood passed in Vladivostok, where she at the age of 14-15 began to engage in skating sports, at 16 she performed the 3rd adult category and won the championship of the region. The girl was noticed – they were invited to the Omsk Physical Cultural Institute. So fate brought her to the coaching road, along which Pronin's love, without interrupting, has been walking for 45 years – tired, with the same joy and pleasure, as at the very beginning of the journey. Looking at the slender girlish figure of Lyubov Viktorovna, her young, with a sincer of her eyes, you will never believe that in August last year she celebrated her 70th anniversary.

“My main life interest is skating sports, children,” explains Lyubov Pronina. – I am interested in it, there is not even a thought to retire.

Lyubov Viktorovna several times in an interview calls himself a children's coach. Arriving in the city, she began working with children of grades 2-3. Three years later, she passed the children to experienced mentors. And in order to grow a real athlete from the child, it takes at least 8-10 years. To my question about the first coaching successes, Pronin's love shares his observation: the most strong set of the coach is often the very first. From the first set of Lyubov Viktorovna – Roman Sharov, master of sports.

– We had a very strong team, we won among the young men the championship of the CS, the championship of the region on the silver skates. Moving from young men to the category of “men”, Roman Sharov stopped performing-the time of the collapse of the 90s just began, the CS teams broke up, all the skating rinks were closed in the region. In N. Tagil, there used to be 3 rinks, 3 sports societies, we often went there for tournaments, in Sverdlovsk-probably 5-6 rinks, if not more. About 200 athletes performed at the competition, now-from the strength of 40-50. Today in N. Tagil – not a single skate section, not a single rink.

With nostalgia, the coach Pronin recalls pre-perestroika times, when the system of the Central Council, sports societies were in force, and there were no problems either with the inventory or with the departure for the competition, and the athletes of educational groups received additional food.KTO_NAS_VIVODIT_V_MASTERA_LYUBOV_Pronina_gazeta_Vestnik

Who leads us to the master: Love Pronin | The newspaper Bulletin

Who leads us to the master: Love Pronin – I came to the city in 1974, ”says Lyubov Viktorovna. – Yuri Kondakov, who was part of the national team, on whom

Who leads us to the master: Love Pronin

“I arrived in the city in 1974,” says Lyubov Viktorovna. – Yuri Kondakov, who was part of the country, at which I looked with delighted eyes, was already trained here, there was a strong team of skaters, experienced coaches worked in the Sports School at the SK “Torch”: Anatoly Fedorovich Kuznetsov and Nelly Maksimovna Abashin. And I, a recent graduate of the Omsk Institute of Physical Culture, joined this strong team. The proposal to move to Sverdlovsk-45 after 2 years of work in N. Tagil seemed interesting, nature simply struck here: mountains, forests, lakes-amazing beauty!

Lyubov Pronin’s childhood passed in Vladivostok, where she at the age of 14-15 began to engage in skating sports, at 16 she performed the 3rd adult category and won the championship of the region. The girl was noticed – they were invited to the Omsk Physical Cultural Institute. So fate brought her to the coaching road, along which Pronin's love, without interrupting, has been walking for 45 years – tired, with the same joy and pleasure, as at the very beginning of the journey. Looking at the slender girlish figure of Lyubov Viktorovna, her young, with a sincer of her eyes, you will never believe that in August last year she celebrated her 70th anniversary.